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Новости за 08.01.2024

Ron Paul: Soft Landing Or Hard Crash? – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

A clip from the 1990 movie Home Alone where the lead character purchases groceries, household goods, and toys recently went viral because he paid a total of $19.83 whereas today the same purchase would cost over three times as much. Ironically, while this evidence of the Federal Reserve’s failure to maintain the dollar’s value was going viral, stocks rose because investors believed the Fed had successfully engineered a “soft landing” by bringing down price inflation without causing a recession and would soon begin reducing interest rates. Читать дальше...

Gaza War: UN Agencies Struggling With Humanitarian And Health Needs

Eurasia Review 

By Jaya Ramachandran

The UN’s migration agency IOM has launched an urgent appeal for $69 million to support its response to escalating and critical humanitarian needs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and neighbouring countries affected by the ongoing hostilities in Gaza.

In a statement on 5 January, IOM said that hundreds of thousands of civilians need aid desperately. But getting help to them continues to be hampered by “long clearance procedures for humanitarian... Читать дальше...

Taiwan’s Democratic Institutions The Clear Winner In This Month’s Elections – Analysis

Eurasia Review 

By Chung-min Tsai and Yves Tiberghien

Taiwan’s three-way presidential and legislative election campaign has entered a vital phase leading up to final rallies on 12 January and the vote on 13 January. With Taiwan at the heart of strategic tensions in Asia, the whole world is watching how Taiwanese voters react. Yet the dominant features of the campaign so far are the stability and resilience of Taiwan’s democratic and political processes, policy convergence on core strategic questions... Читать дальше...

Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup Is Over … For Now – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

By Yossi Mekelberg

Inevitably, there is a sense among most Israelis that life and politics could be, and probably should be, divided between before and after Oct. 7, and what preceded this fateful day is diminished by the war and sheer trauma that ensued.

However, the ruling by the High Court of Justice last week to nullify a law passed by the Knesset in July of eliminating the reasonableness clause to a Basic Law, followed by another ruling that postpones a further amendment... Читать дальше...

Drug Quandaries In The Middle East And Transcontinental Transits Via Europe – Analysis

Eurasia Review 

The escalating threat of drug smuggling from Syria casts a dark shadow over the once-stable Levant region, posing a multifaceted challenge to Jordan's security apparatus. The proactive engagement of Jordanian security forces against drug cartels has reached unprecedented levels, with an increasing number of reports detailing the interception of drug trafficking attempts. Notably, in a decisive operation in December 2023, Jordanian security forces clashed fiercely with armed individuals along the Jordanian-Syrian border... Читать дальше...

With No Success To Tout, Joe Biden Concocts A Tall Tale Of Terror – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

By Graham J Noble

On January 5, Joe Biden delivered the opening speech of his re-election campaign near Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. As was expected, it was a rambling diatribe that focused on his predecessor and potential successor, Donald Trump, and the supposed threat to democracy he poses. Biden made several questionable statements but, most notably, he became the first White House incumbent in living memory to give a campaign speech that did not include any reference to his own performance or record so far. Читать дальше...

Hamas Terrorism Isn’t ‘Self-Defense’ Against ‘Occupiers’ – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

Council on American Islamic Relations Los Angeles executive director Hussam Ayloush recently defended Hamas's barbaric slaughter of 1,200 Jewish, Thai, Filipino, Bedouin and other men, women and children. He claimed Israel is "an occupier" that "does not have the right to defend itself." He condemned Israel's subsequent war in Gaza and said only Palestinians have "a right of self-defense."

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Jewish Supremacism, Like American Exceptionalism, Breeds Barbarism – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

Israel has rendered Gaza a “moonscape in war,” uninhabitable for years to come, reduced to rubble by “the most intense air campaigns in the modern record.” Not only is Israel murdering tens of thousands of Gaza’s civilians–22,313 Palestinians to date (Via Ha’aretz Israel News, Wednesday, 03.01.2024); an average of 200 to 300 souls a day–but it has gone and done a Taliban on the Gaza strip’s heritage sites, some dating back to antiquity.

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Houthis Want Red Sea Ships To Report Destinations To Avoid Attack

Eurasia Review 

By Speed Al-Batati

Yemen’s Houthi militia on Sunday called for all vessels planning to transit the Red Sea to notify them in advance of their destinations and declare no connections to Israel to avoid being attacked.

The Houthi leader, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, proposed defusing what he called the “militarization” of the Red Sea or igniting a war between their militia and the US-led maritime forces in the waters, by demanding that all ships sailing in the area supply them with the requested information. Читать дальше...

Circle Of Secrecy: The Iraq War’s Missing Cabinet Documents – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

They are unlikely to be revelatory, will shatter no myths, nor disprove any assumptions.  Cabinet documents exist to merely show that a political clique – the heart of the Westminster model of government, so to speak – often contain the musings of invertebrates, spineless on most issues such as foreign policy, while operating at the behest of select interests.  Hostility to originality is essential since it is threatening to the tribe; dissent is discouraged to uphold the order of collective cabinet responsibility. Читать дальше...

Elections In Taiwan: Does The Island Choose Further Confrontation With China? – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

On January 13, the residents of Taiwan, an island off the coast of China, will go to the polls to elect a new president and parliament. These elections attract more international attention than one might expect for a country with only 24 million inhabitants. The outcome will have consequences for the evolution of the conflict between the United States and China, and consequently, possibly for world peace.

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Blinken Meets With Arab Leaders, Aiming To Curb Spread Of Israeli-Hamas War

Eurasia Review 

By Nike Ching

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Jordan and Qatar on Sunday to meet with Arab leaders in a new push to tamp down fears that the Israeli war with Hamas could spiral out of control across the Middle East.

In meetings with Jordan King Abdullah II and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the top U.S. diplomat spoke of the need for Israel to curb civilian casualties during the Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza and significantly increase the amount of humanitarian... Читать дальше...

Sidney Wolfe: The Doctors’ Doctor For Prevention And Accountability – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

With the passing of Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe at the age of 86, our country has lost one of the greatest “extra-ordinary” physicians of the past half century. There have been physicians who developed great life-saving vaccines and medications (e.g., smallpox, polio, HIV/AIDS). But because of Sid’s endurance and the range of his work as director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group (HRG), he pioneered unprecedented means and measures for saving lives and preventing injuries and trauma.

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Pakistan: Why Baloch Lives Don’t Matter – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar obnoxious remark that “Advocates of terrorists in Balochistan should go and join them if they are convinced on the veracity of their issue and fight the state along with them, so that we know where they stand and how to deal with them” would have outraged the uninitiated. However, for those who have been following the unfortunate happenings in Balochistan, Kakar’s declaration comes as no big surprise as it merely reflects the long held jaundiced... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

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