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Новости за 04.08.2019

Castro says 'one person' is responsible for El Paso massacre: 'the shooter'


Shortly after Beto O'Rourke claimed Sunday that President Trump's "racism" is what "leads to" violent shootings, another Democratic presidential contender, Julian Castro said "there's one person that's responsible directly" for Saturday's deadly mass shooting in El Paso, Texas -- "and that's the shooter."

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Democratic socialists convention erupts due to 'sensory overload,' gendered pronoun usage


The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend came to a screeching halt when one delegate formally complained of "sensory overload" from "guys" whispering in the room -- prompting another "comrade" to grab the microphone to angrily demand an end to the use of "gendered language."

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