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Новости за 22.01.2024

The Massive, Ancient Megalodon Shark Was... Skinny?


O. megalodon, my megalodon. The gargantuan shark that prowled the Miocene seas has long captured the imagination because of its stupendous 60-foot length—three times the size of the largest great white sharks. But now, a team of researchers suggests that the extinct apex predator’s body shape was slightly different…

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Invincible Season 2 Smashes Back to Earth in March


After waiting two and a half years for more episodes of Invincible, we only have to wait two more months for it to continue. Season two of Prime Video’s animated adaptation of the Robert Kirkman comic debuted in November with the first half of the season’s eight-episode arc. Those four episodes ended on a major…

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Gillian Anderson Is Joining Tron 3


Now that Tron 3 certainly has taken its best step forward in looking like it’s actually happening, we’re now getting some actually exciting casting news about the film, which just got a big, big headliner for nerds already excited about a Tron threequel.

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Sam Altman Says ChatGPT Can’t Be Your Girlfriend


This month, OpenAI launched what it calls the GPT Store, a platform where developers can sell custom-built AI apps and tools. The millions of GPTs on offer include games, productivity helpers, graphic design tools, tools for specific writing projects, and more. One thing OpenAI doesn’t want you to find, however, is an…

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Big Tech Wants You to Foot the Bill for Its AI Projects


Big Tech’s trend of the week is the incessant talk about AI subscriptions. Silicon Valley cannot stop throwing money into AI, but they’re a bit stuck figuring out how AI will throw money back at them. Now, Big Tech thinks it found a solution: they’re betting you will pay a monthly subscription for their AI service.…

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Теннисисты Медведев и Рублев сохранили позиции в рейтинге ATP

Адская жара +38 градусов уже на подходе: Вильфанд рассказал о погодных аномалиях

Иномарка насмерть сбила девушку в Москве

Депутата вернули в суд и домой // Обвиняемую в мошенническом получении денег от застройщика освободили из СИЗО

Отравившие нижегородцев салаты готовили в антисанитарных условиях