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Новости за 23.12.2016

The Only Way to Defeat Trump Is to Understand That Race and Class Are Inseparable

In These Times 

In postelection strategy meetings, progressives everywhere are asking: Should we organize around race or class? Inevitably, someone answers, “Of course, we need to do both.” Heads nod. I disagree. The answer is not “both,” which presumes they are separable. Because racial division is a critical tool of class oppression, we cannot address one without the other.

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Under Trump, Racial Justice Activists Must Seek Solutions Outside the State

In These Times 

On the evening of Nov. 8, 2016, I was near an East Oakland polling site with a group of BYP100 members, talking with voters about the propositions on the ballot. It wasn’t until late that evening that I checked the election results and learned that America had elected as president a neo fascist who has promoted xenophobia, condoned the racist violence of his supporters and threatened to put even more police on the streets of Black communities. Since then, Trump has nominated as attorney general Sen. Читать дальше...

Resisting Trump’s Mass Deportation Agenda In the Streets and In the Courts

In These Times 

The advent of the Trump administration has plunged many immigrant communities into uncertainty. While this moment is still surreal, we can say this: For decades, immigrants have put their bodies on the line—fasting, marching, taking arrest, speaking out publicly— to demand and win protections. Wherever Trump promises to inflict pain, immigrants and their allies can draw on this history to mount a powerful resistance.

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How Muslim Activists Are Organizing Against Islamophobia in the Face of President Trump

In These Times 

The candidate who unapologetically called for the registration, “extreme vetting” and outright banning of Muslims has been elected president. If one were to make a roster of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant all-stars, it would look a lot like Donald Trump’s appointees and inner circle: Kris Kobach, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Frank Gaffney, Katie Gorka, Rudy Giuliani, Walid Phares.

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Handbook for the Resistance: A User’s Guide to Taking On the Trump Agenda

In These Times 

As the Trump era draws closer, one of the most unnerving feelings is that we’re about to enter uncharted territory. Even experienced organizers and seasoned progressives may feel at sea. Trump promised to ban immigration from predominantly Muslim countries, deport at least 2 million undocumented immigrants, beef up law enforcement and otherwise crack down on already marginalized communities—all in his first 100 days. Islamophobic, racist appointees, like Michael Flynn for national security advisor and Jeff Sessions for attorney general... Читать дальше...

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