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Новости за 02.08.2018

Why You Should Let Your Kid Be Annoyingly Repetitive 


Before my daughter learned to speak, she learned to sign, and the first sign she mastered was “more.” More meant more—as in, “Give me more milk before I scream-cry in 5-4-3-2-1 ...”—but for her, it also meant “again.” Sing that song again. Push the toy cash register button again. Make that funny sound with your…

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What to Do When Your Kid Scribbles All Over the Sofa


Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and author of the New York Times bestselling book, My Boyfriend Barfed In My Handbag ... And Other Things You Can’t Ask Martha. Her flagship column, “Ask a Clean Person,” debuted in 2011. Here on Offspring, we’ve launched a new iteration of it, focusing on parenting…

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Mailist Is Instapaper for Email Addicts


We know we’re not supposed to let email run our lives, but we do it anyway. We use email as a to-do list, as an idea saver, as a place to email ourselves notes. And if that works for you, then here’s one more tool: The free Mailist extension for Chrome and Firefox collects your unread bookmarks and emails them back to…

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Why You Should Give in to Your Money Emotions


If there’s one truism when it comes to your money, it’d be not to let your emotions get the best of you: You don’t want to sell when the market’s tanking, splurge on something you can’t afford when you’re in a bad mood, or continually give money to a loved one with no strings attached.

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Yes, You Can Hold Your Cat Like a Baby


The charm of cats is that they’re temperamental, as likely to bite as to purr when you reach for them. There may come a time when you have developed a close enough relationship with your feline that it at least signals when it’s about to attack; in that case, why not carry it around like a baby?

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This Dip Uses Every Part of the Green Onion, Even the Roots


I have seen recipes that call for the green part of the green onion, and I have seen recipes that call for the white part of the green onion, but I have never seen recipes that call for the stringy little roots of the green onion. (Until now, because I’m about to write one.) The little white allium threads are edible,…

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How to Do Box Jumps Without Freaking Out


Every box jump involves a leap of faith. You’ll probably land on top of the box, on your feet, and not make it into one of those box jump fail compilation videos (seriously, do not Google). But how do you convince your brain and body that a solid landing awaits?

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July Book Club Open Thread: How to Be 10% Happier


The benefits of “mindfulness” and ways to attain it have long been promoted, but the number of self-help books, forums and apps devoted to the practice has absolutely exploded over the past few years. As tech continues to encroach on all aspects of our lives and we find we have a hard time getting away from it all,…

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The Best Portland, OR Travel Tips From Our Readers


Damn, we’re excited to go back to Portland. Over a hundred commenters gave advice for visiting or living there in this week’s Hack Your City. While rapid growth threatens to stifle what made the city so attractive, for now Portland is still a quirky, fun, easygoing city where it’s hard to have a bad time.

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