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Новости за 30.07.2019

The Best Apps for Intermittent Fasting


Intermittent fasting isn’t magic, but it works well as a weight loss tool for people who manage to stick to it. If that’s you, consider using one of these fasting trackers to remind you of start and end times and to keep tabs on how well you’ve stuck to your plan in the past.

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What Life Is Like for a Child With ADHD


Kids with ADHD can seem unfocused, indecisive, impulsive and undisciplined. But they’re actually experiencing and processing the world around us in a different way. Gaining a little insight into their perspective—and understanding that it’s not simply a matter of them needing to sit still and focus—can go a long way…

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How to Fix a Stinky Sink


Sinks—and running water in general—are wonderful things. Hot or cold water, whenever we want it, straight out of a tap conveniently located in our own homes? It’s pretty great. But sometimes, sinks get stinky. If it’s your kitchen sink, the stench is probably coming from rotting food stuck in your drain. A smell from…

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Make Corn-Flavored Butter With Cobs and Husks


When it comes to summer produce, nothing (besides a really good tomato) gets me more pumped for the season than corn. I will eat it grilled. I will eat it steamed. I will eat it raw. But when I see people shucking their corn in the store, leaving behind the husks and silks, I weep, for they are leaving behind flavor.

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The Best Ways to Teach Yourself to Code


If you want to learn how to code, taking your first steps into this huge universe might seem like a daunting, if not intimidating task. Here’s the big secret: There are plenty of free (and inexpensive) resources you can use to give yourself all the help you need, teach yourself new techniques, and make this learning…

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Step Away From the Bison


At least two young people have been injured by bison in national parks in the past week. It’s mating season, so the bulls are more aggressive right now, but there’s one thing you need to know if you see a herd of bison: Stay the heck away.

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Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Художник из Кувейта Махмуд Ашканани представил автобиографический фильм в Музее Победы

Специалисты администрации Можайска вакцинировались от гриппа

Ефимов: участок бывшей промзоны «Алтуфьевское шоссе» реорганизуют по КРТ

Галямин назвал точный счёт в дерби «Спартак» - «Динамо»