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Новости за 28.01.2022

25 Movies That Will Make You Ugly Cry


It’s SAD season, kids, and it’s no joke. I’m talking about Seasonal Affective Disorder, of course, that depressive disorder related to changes in the seasons. The causes and risk factors remain a bit mysterious, but it’s real, and it can be truly debilitating to your mental health.

If you struggle with SAD, it’s worth…

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Please Stop Checking Your Heart Rate so Much


Your heart beats faster when you’re working hard, so it’s a good way to tell if you’re exercising hard enough...right? Well, not exactly. Your heart rate is only a good gauge of effort in certain types of exercise. And it can even steer you wrong if the numbers are miscalibrated.

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How to Overcome ‘Productivity Dysmorphia’


Working and surviving in a capitalist system has always led to a unique sludge of emotions for us all. There are names for these self-perceptions and feelings, some of which—like “imposter syndrome”—we were familiar with before the pandemic, and some of which—like “burnout”—have become trendier to discuss in the last…

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Do Collagen Supplements Even Do Anything?


Scrolling through social media, one could get the impression that taking supplements can fix just about anything. However, when you look closer at the evidence, you’ll find that the majority of them just don’t work. In a possible exception to this rule, collagen supplements have been receiving a lot of attention…

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How Bad Is It to Fall Asleep to the TV?


There are two kinds of people in the world, and I’m the kind that cannot fall asleep if a TV is playing anywhere near me. Fortunately, I married someone who feels the same way. But plenty of folks love to fall asleep with the TV on—and some 60% of Americans watch it in the hour before bed, according to one 2011…

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83 года назад, 22 июня 1941 года на территорию СССР напала нацистская Германия, началась Великая Отечественная война

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