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Новости за 06.05.2022

How to Set Boundaries With Your Mom


Our relationships with our mothers can be complicated. Even if you have a close relationship with your mom, you might have had thoughts like, “I wish she wouldn’t call everyday,” “I don’t like it when she makes me feel guilty for my choices,” or “I don’t like it when my mom meddles in my personal life.”

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The Best Free Online Tools to Map Your Own Bike Routes


Whether you’re in an unfamiliar place or broadening your horizons in your hometown, there are plenty of tools online to customize different walk, run, and bike routes wherever you are. The online tools we’ll highlight here are not all created equal, so let’s take a look at the best free options depending on what…

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How to Fix a PS4 That Won't Read Discs


The PS5 might be Sony’s shiny new console, but plenty of us are still happily playing our PS4s. That is, unless the system can’t read our discs. It’s a little more than frustrating when the PS4 refuses to play the $60 game you just popped in the disc drive. If you’re experiencing this issue, these tricks can help.

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How to Create a Home Office in a Tiny-Ass Space


The world has changed rapidly in the last few years, but change is the one constant of existence. The other constant is the fact that your tiny living space isn’t going to get magically larger just because it’s now your office as well as your sleeping chamber, gym, movie theater, and spa. The way everyone just…

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Let’s Bring Back the Restaurant Reservation


Making a reservation for dinner might seem antiquated to you—a thing your elders did for special occasions. But there are some pretty good reasons to do it beyond the obvious fact that you won’t hungrily stand around in a foyer smelling everyone else’s delicious food. It’s not just about convenience for you (although…

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Why Allergy Season Is Getting Longer


If it seems like allergy season is getting worse every year, you’re probably not imagining it. Scientists who study the timing and movement of pollen have found that allergy seasons really have been getting longer, and potentially more severe.

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