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Новости за 28.07.2022

Why You Really Shouldn’t Take in a Wild Bird


As a kid in the rural Midwest, I was accustomed to seeing people around me “rescue” injured birds, bring them into their homes, and care for them. The local vet even facilitated this by calling up certain families when a hurt bird was brought into his practice. We considered these birds lucky, Little-O…

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Turn Watermelon Rinds Into a Fancy Cocktail Cordial


The question “What do I do with these watermelon rinds?” was answered long ago, and you probably already know the answer, especially if you’re from the South. Watermelon rinds become watermelon pickles, and the crisp, kind of flavorless scrap is rendered soft, tangy, and (often) a little spicy. But pickles aren’t the…

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How to Know If a Monthly Car Payment Is Actually a Good Deal


If you’re ever looking for a demonstration of the adage “it’s expensive to be poor,” look at buying a car. If you’ve got your eye on a car that costs $35,000 with all fees included, and you have $35,000 in your bank account, that’s what you pay for the car. If you don’t have the cash, let’s say you put down $5,000 and…

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You Should Be Adding Cheese to Your Cocktails


An unusual cocktail ingredient is trending, and it’s not my amarena cherry syrup. (Yet.) It’s cheese. You already love it when paired with a drink, so why not include it directly in your libation? There’s a place in our coupe glasses for both soft and hard-aged cheeses, but you shouldn’t just toss any old cheese into…

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Is Monkeypox a Sexually Transmitted Disease?


In declaring monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern, the World Health Organization on Monday acknowledged that currently this outbreak is concentrated among men who have sex with men. The WHO director-general’s statement followed this by saying that “stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous…

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The Best Free (or Cheap) Financial Courses for Beginners


Money is a weirdly taboo subject, and many of us made it through our entire educational careers without partaking in any serious money management lessons—undoubtedly to our detriment. A lot of us manage to buy houses and earn and save surprisingly large amounts of income without really understanding anything at all…

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What's New on Paramount+ in August 2022


When I was 11, I could imagine no more subversive television show than Beavis and Butthead. It looked like a cartoon—you know, for kids!—but focused almost exclusively on stuff that was decidedly off-limits in my household: swearing, watching music videos, hitting my brother in the head with a baseball bat, setting…

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Make Yourself a Stroopwafel ‘Choco Taco’


Oh, Choco Taco, why did you have to go? Klondike may have discontinued the ice cream novelty but they can’t discontinue my childhood. I will never again have the pleasure of tearing open the thin, metallic, plastic wrapper that cradled the ice cream truck favorite, and that breaks my polar-bear-loving heart. But the…

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How to Play PS5 in 1440p


For most gamers, the PS5 is an easy setup. You plug it into your TV, it figures out whether you have a 1080p or 4K display, and presto: modern gaming at your fingertips. However, those of us who game on a 1440p monitor rather than a TV may be frustrated by Sony’s lack of support for the resolution. Well, pop the…

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How to Make Instagram Less of a Shitshow


Have you noticed Instagram kinda sucks now? You open the app, scroll through your feed, and think, “Who the hell are these people?” In its heyday, Instagram was a simple social media app for friends to follow other friends and catch up on their lives with fun photos and filters. Now, you’re being served fake TikToks…

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If You're Planning to Buy a Meta Quest 2, Better Do It Fast


If you’ve been waffling over whether to purchase a Meta Quest 2 VR system, it’s time to make a decision: Meta announced yesterday that the price of the Quest 2 is going up by $100 on Aug. 1. This means you only five days to break out the credit card or be faced with needlessly giving Mark Zuckerberg one hundred…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Теннисистка Касаткина прошла в полуфинал турнира WTA в Сеуле

Человек года RB-2024 - вскоре объявят лучших из лучших

В ТвГТУ провели Всероссийскую молодежную научную школу, посвященную технологиям переработки отходов

Парламентарий Папуашвили: Грузия не намерена мириться с Россией

В Российско-Кыргызский консорциум технических университетов (РККТУ) вступил Иркутский политех