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Новости за 03.11.2022

Don't Be Fooled by These Powerball and Mega Millions Scams


The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot today are 1 in 292 million. That was the population of the United States back in 2003, meaning your odds of winning the Powerball today are the same as being randomly picked in 2003 America by President George W. Bush, to have dinner with him at the White House. Feeling lucky?

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Prepare Now so the Time Change Is Less Jarring


Sadly, we did not manage to abolish time changes in time to avoid the one that’s coming up this weekend, so most of us in the U.S. will be going ahead with our usual ritual: Wake up early, forgetting that the time changed during the night, then get confused that the clock on our phone doesn’t match the one on the…

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The Government Might Help Pay Your Heating Bill This Winter


As you are undoubtedly all too aware of by now, energy costs are rising with inflation, and the coming winter looks to be a harsh one for your bank account. Money-saving energy hacks are good and all, but what your family may really need is a little extra help. President Biden’s administration has announced a plan to …

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10 Versatile Exercises to Do With Tiny Dumbbells


When you’re just starting to work out, small dumbbells are a godsend: You can do the same exercises as everyone else, but with less weight. When we get strong enough, we often leave those little dumbbells behind, and that’s a shame. There are actually a lot of worthwhile exercises that don’t require much in the way of …

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Your Career Needs an Elevator Pitch


It’s all too easy to fumble your response to the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself.” Even if it’s not an interviewer asking you that question directly, when presented with the chance to explain your work in simple terms, most of us end up giving convoluted, boring, or incomplete answers.

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Brown Your Butter for a Better Graham Cracker Crust


Graham crackers are the queen of the crumb crust world, but she would never be able to hold pies, cheesecakes, and tarts together without the support from her unwavering partner, butter. Butter is the necessary fat that acts as an adhesive, helping the sugar and all of those fine crumbs stick together, but also…

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How to Instill Perseverance in Your Kids


As parents, we witness our kids struggle to master new tasks at all different ages and stages. Whether it’s zipping their coat, tying their shoes, perfecting lowercase letters, or learning how to play piano, their young lives are filled with occasions where it will feel easier to just give up.

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These Malware Apps Are Still Live on the Google Play Store


Malware is a problem that affects all platforms—including Apple—but it’s Android that seems to face the majority of cases these days. Stories pop up far too frequently concerning newly discovered batches of malicious apps on the Play Store. This time, there are four of them, one with over one million installs alone.

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These Are the Best Store-Bought Pie Crusts


Dessert is always last—in eating order, but also on the priority prep list. Preparing the Thanksgiving turkey and a diverse list of sides is enough to pull the cook’s focus away from the pies on the menu. Enter: the store-bought pie crust, the fast and easy way to save yourself from the teeth-clenching stress of …

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Have an Actually Useful One-on-One With Your Boss


Although one-on-one meetings with your boss can seem useful in theory, they often fall short of being truly effective. As the Association for Talent Development recently reported in a survey, while 94% of managers say they schedule regular one-on-one meetings with their employees, less than half of their employees…

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12 New Thanksgiving 'Traditions' You Should Adopt This Year


When you’re a child, it feels like family holiday traditions are sacrosanct—that they were passed down on stone tablets and must be slavishly adhered to lest ruin befall the family (or mom get mad, anyway). But I’m sure you’ve learned by now that family traditions were just something your folks decided to do one year…

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The Easiest Way to Save Money on Holiday Travel This Year


In the face soaring inflation, many of us still plan to travel at one point during the holidays this year. NPR reports that airlines are already reporting high demand and rising prices, so the time to book is now. But before you actually select your travel dates, it could pay to chat with you family about a longer…

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Here’s How to Snag a 55" TV From Walmart for $188


It happens every year: Customers get hyped about an amazing online Black Friday deal only to be let down when the website crashes or their internet is too slow to snag the best first-come, first-served deals. But this year, there’s a workaround on at least one impressive deal on this 55" 4K Smart TV deal from Walmart,…

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Use These Money-Saving DIY Cleaning Product Alternatives


It takes time and effort to keep you home clean, to say nothing of the cost. We’re constantly being bombarded with advertisements for products that claim they are the best on the market and, busy and desperate, we may very well buy them hoping for a time-saving solution to our cleaning woes. But for the most part, you…

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Людмила Самсонова

Самсонова поддержала Андрееску после победы над ней в финале турнира в Хертогенбосхе

Анастасию Волочкову покалечил астролог

Перед смертью у сына модельера Вячеслава Зайцева Егора произошло прозрение

Ураган «Эдгар» в Перми прошел в виде ливня и сухого шквала

Кабмин РФ поддержал проект соглашения с Индией о взаимной отправке военных