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Новости за 12.06.2023

Use Crushed Cookies on Your Next Crumb Cake


The love of crumb cake runs deep in my family. You might know it as coffee cake, streusel, or—as my dad calls it—crumb buns, but no matter the name, I want a slice. Inexplicably, I hate making crumb topping. Whipping up a cake batter is fine, but the mixture of sugar, flour, and butter destined for the top of the cake …

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How to Keep a Swimsuit Clean Without Damaging It


With swimming season now upon us, you may find yourself wondering (as you did last summer, and the summer before that): Is there a right way to wash these swimsuits so they last for many years? We’ve gone over how often to wash them before (every three to five wears), but here’s how you should wash them when the time…

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Regularly Audit These Areas of Your Home to Stop Overbuying


You’re standing in front the canned goods aisle, hand hovering over the black beans, trying to remember: Do I already have these at home? You buy them anyway—better safe than sorry. You unload your groceries and discover you do already have black beans. Three extra cans, actually. All from the last three times you…

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How to Repair a Broken Tile If You Don’t Have Any Extra


If you’ve ever sweated your way through tiling a wall only to step back and realize your grout lines follow the curvature of the Earth, you know exactly how difficult tiling can be. And that struggle extends tile repairs, as well. What happens if you didn’t manage to save a few tiles that are now discontinued, and now…

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10 Podcasts That Are Totally Bonkers


If you want to better yourself, learn how to do something, deep dive into your favorite specific pocket of pop-culture, or learn more about important people, podcasts are there for you. But sometimes they’re just there to make you laugh.

These 10 podcasts are off the rails by design—shows in which crank calls, smut,…

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The Best Way to Time a Rideshare at the Airport


Booking a rideshare from the airport always involves a delicate dance. You don’t want to spend a lot of time waiting outside, but you also want to avoid keeping your driver idling while you make your way to the designated pickup—especially if you have to walk a long way or even hop on a shuttle to get there. If you…

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The Kinds of Bones Unsafe for Dogs


Never give your dog chicken bones. If you have a pup, you’ve probably heard that advice. But what about bones from steak or other kinds of meat? And if you’ve heard that you shouldn’t give dogs any bones, you might be wondering why pet stores and butchers sell dog bones at all.

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Why You Should Take a Pre-Run Poop, According to Science


If you are a regular runner or cyclist, you are probably all too aware of the GI issues that crop up during a long workout or a race. Dealing with the sometimes explosive nature of runner’s gut, which inevitably strikes during moments where there are no bathrooms in sight, has left many an athlete figuring out how to…

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The Summer Meal Plan Every Parent Needs


I started planning the summer in February, and actually felt like the kids’ activities were squared away: camps, outings, kits, books, devices, scooters, travel plans—check! What else do I need to sustain this precarious summer dynamic where two elementary kids need plenty of entertainment, sunshine, and rest while I…

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Теннисисты Медведев и Рублев сохранили позиции в рейтинге ATP

Путин - лидер непокоренной сверхдержавы и полководец дедолларизации. Конец исключительности США. "Ледяной шелковый путь" РФ и КНР

Котова покажет москвичам Ливчака и Вольсова: Музей-заповедник «Родина В.И. Ленина» получил президентский грант

Бизнесмена Новицкого отправили под домашний арест по делу о мошенничестве

Сын экс-премьер-министра Фрадкова назначен заместителем министра обороны. Как обстояло дело с "кумовством" в СССР