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Middle East Quarterly

Middle East Quarterly

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Refusing to Call Cyprus Occupied Isn't Sophisticated; It's Stupid

Middle East Quarterly 

It has now been almost 50 years since the Turkish army invaded Cyprus, occupying and ethnically cleansing a third of the country. Turkish justification that their invasion was necessary to protect Turkish Cypriots rings hollow for three reasons. First,

Donor Revolts Won't Reform Universities; Blacklisting Students Will

Middle East Quarterly 

Columbia University and Yale University appear to be in a competition to see who will be the poster child for antisemitism, intimidation, and polemics trumping serious insight or discussion of world affairs. Historian Martin Kramer warned 14 years ago

Why Is the Biden Administration Whitewashing Azerbaijan's Crimes?

Middle East Quarterly 

The year 2023 marked perhaps the worst year for Armenians since the Genocide of more than a century ago. Azerbaijanis backed by Turkish Special Forces and utilizing Israeli drones attacked Nagorno-Karabakh and successfully drove out its indigenous

What Israel Should Do about Hezbollah

Middle East Quarterly 

On Tuesday, Hezbollah launched its deepest attack into Israel since the current round of hostilities between Jerusalem and the Iran-supported Islamist group began last October. Sirens sounded in the town of Acre as drones and rockets were launched at

Why Does the United States Operate Blind in Yemen?

Middle East Quarterly 

It has now been almost ten years since Houthi rebels, co-opted, armed and equipped by Iran, marched into Sana'a and seized the Yemeni government buildings. Rather than collapse under the weight of governance and the fact that as a tribal element, they

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