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Новости за 09.05.2017

Marine Le Pen's Niece Quits Politics Due to Personal Reasons

Sputnik International 

Marion Marechal-Le Pen, a member of the French Parliament from the National Front (FN) party and the niece of Marine Le Pen, who has just lost French presidential run-off, has announced on Tuesday her decision to leave politics due to personal reasons.

China Tests Weapons Near Korean Peninsula in Protest Over THAAD

Sputnik International 

China announced Tuesday that its rocket force has conducted weapons tests and live fire drills near the Korean Peninsula “in recent days,” according to a statement on the Defense Ministry’s website. The announcement comes as North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs continue to stoke tensions in the region and across the Pacific.

US Senator Calls for Probe of Trump’s Russian Business Ties

Sputnik International 

South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham has announced that he wants to see a probe of US President Donald Trump’s business ties to Russia, and the president has responded by hiring the leading law firm in DC to send a certified letter asserting that he has no ties to the Kremlin.

Tokyo Seeks Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to Offset Pyongyang Nuke Threats

Sputnik International 

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is continuing Japan’s pivot from a pacifist security policy to a more active defense posture. Abe is eyeing the addition of land-attack Tomahawk missiles to neutralize the threat of a missile attack from North Korea, according to the Sankei Shimbun Japanese newspaper.

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