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Новости за 20.04.2018

‘Did Comey Collude With Mueller?’ Judicial Watch Sues DOJ For Comey-Mueller Communications

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Friday it filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department for communications on James Comey and Robert Mueller. Tom Fitton wants to know, “Did Comey collude with Mueller as a vendetta against Trump?” Via Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit […]

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Breaking: Trump Camp Responds to Frivolous DNC Lawsuit — Warns of “Aggressive Discovery Phase – Everything Will Be On the Table”

The Gateway Pundit 

In 2016 the Democrat National Committee claimed their websites were hacked by Russia and the information was given to Wikileaks. Wikileaks has always maintained their source for the Podesta-DNC emails was not Russia. Julian Assange : Russia is not the source of the DNC email leak. The Obama faction of the CIA has been discredited. […]

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Rep DeSantis Warns: This is ‘Just the Beginning’ After DOJ Opens Investigation Into Comey Over Classified Information

The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING NEWS. Inspector General Horowitz is now investigating James Comey over his classified memos. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) immediately came out swinging and warned ‘this is just the beginning.’ The Wall Street Journal reported at least two of the memos Comey gave his friend contained classified information prompting Inspector General Michael Horowitz to conduct an investigation. Of […]

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BREAKING: Inspector General Investigating James Comey Over Classified Information

The Gateway Pundit 

Inspector General Horowitz is now investigating James Comey over his classified memos. The Wall Street Journal reported: At least two of the memos that former FBI Director James Comey gave to a friend outside of the government contained information that officials now consider classified, according to people familiar with the matter, prompting a review by […]

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Idiot Governor Cuomo Lectures NYC Crowd on What “Wop” Means — Pushes Disproven Folklore (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Where is ICE when you need them? New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) told supporters this week that he is an undocumented immigrant. Cuomo: I’m an Italian-American, I came from poor Italian-Americans who came here. You know what they called Italian-Americans back in the day? They called them wops. You know what wop stood for? […]

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BREAKING: Democrat Party Sues Trump, Russia and Wikileaks for Conspiring to Disrupt 2016 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Here we go. After two years of the media and Democrat Party trying to link the Trump campaign to Russia they have found nothing. Last night the FBI finally released Comey documents to Congress. The documents show serious wrongdoing in the FBI and Obama administration. Now this… The Democrat Party needed desperately to change the […]

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STUNNING=> Comey Admits on Colbert That FBI Did Not Have Time to Check All of Weiner Emails Before Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The more James Comey talks — The more he exposes lies and criminal offenses by himself and fellow members of the deep state. On October 28, 2016, then FBI Director James Comey sent a letter notifying Congress that the FBI had reopened the investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal after previously undisclosed emails were […]

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AMAZING! Trump Supporters Line Streets of Key West for Miles to Welcome President Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump visited Key West, Florida for the first time on Thursday. Supporters LINED THE STREETS to welcome the 45th president. Trump Director of Social Media Dan Scavino, Jr. posted photos from the motorcade. .@POTUS @realDonaldTrump with a beautiful Key West, Florida welcome while en route to briefings with #JIATFSouth, @SouthComWatch, @Norad_Northcom, @DHSgov @SecNielsen and […]

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Developing: Obama CIA Chief John Brennan Made Secret Visit to Russia Around Same Time as Fusion GPS Produced anti-Trump Memos

The Gateway Pundit 

Well isn’t this interesting? Obama CIA Chief John Brenna, who is fiercely anti-Trump, made a secret visit to Moscow in March 2016. Weeks later in June Christopher Steele with Fusion GPS, who was hired indirectly by Hillary Clinton, produced his first anti-Trump memo. Via The Donald Reddit: According to a report earlier this month former […]

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NY Governor Cuomo: I’m an Undocumented Immigrant (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Where is ICE when you need them? New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) told supporters this week that he is an undocumented immigrant. Cuomo: I’m an Italian-American, I came from poor Italian-Americans who came here. You know what they called Italian-Americans back in the day? They called them wops. You know what wop stood for? […]

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Trump Fires Off Midnight Tweet Blasting Comey Over Memos: ‘He Leaked Classified Information’

The Gateway Pundit 

Redacted memos written by disgraced former FBI Director James Comey were published online on Thursday evening. Comey penned seven memos stemming from nine conversations he had with President Trump during his time at the FBI. The president blasted Comey in a midnight tweet. The memos show there was no collusion and no obstruction. Not once did Comey […]

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Democrats Announce Dream Platform Including Reparations to Blacks and Free College for All

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat party leaders are meeting this week at the Democracy Alliance’s spring conference in Atlanta. The conference is pushing for reparations to blacks and free college for all. This is the failed communism pushed by the Democrat Party today.They want to turn America into Venezuela. The Washington Free Beacon reported: A wealthy Democratic donor club […]

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BREAKING: GOP Congressional Leaders Nunes, Gowdy and Goodlatte Release Statement on Comey Memos

The Gateway Pundit 

The Department of Justice turned over the Comey memos to Congress today after missing their deadline earlier in the week. Congressional leaders threatened to impeach deep state leaders if they continued to stall on the memos. Fired FBI Chief James Comey wrote about the memos in his book and leaked the documents to reporters last […]

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“I Don’t Do Sneaky Things, I Don’t Leak, I Don’t Do Weasel Moves” Comey Pens in Memo He Later Leaked to Liberal Media

The Gateway Pundit 

Redacted memos written by disgraced former FBI Director James Comey were published online on Thursday evening. Comey penned seven memos stemming from nine conversations he had with President Trump during his time at the FBI. In a memo dated January 28th 2017, Comey recalls a dinner he had with President Trump in the Green Room […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Ига Швёнтек снялась с турнира категории WTA-1000 в Пекине

Песков: конфликт вокруг Wildberries — это не тема для комментариев Кремля

Беспилотная «Ласточка» проехала на МЦК почти 10 тысяч километров с конца августа

Мэр Москвы сообщил об открытии новой трамвайной линии

Алиев отозвал Бюль-Бюль оглы с должности посла Азербайджана в России