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Новости за 30.03.2020

Tampa Bay Pastor Arrested For Violating Social Distancing Orders Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The Gateway Pundit 

A Tampa Bay pastor was arrested for “repeatedly” violating socials distancing orders following two church services at his church this past weekend. The Sheriff said his office received a tip that this pastor was packing in crowds at his church despite the social distancing orders. “The sheriff’s office has advised church leaders of the danger…

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Biden Struggles to Speak Coherently as He Attacks President Trump’s Coronavirus Response (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Biden stumbled his way through an interview on MSNBC on Monday. The 77-year-old 2020 Democrat front runner tried to attack President Trump’s Coronavirus response and he failed miserably. Biden makes no sense. He had to read notes during his interview and he still jumbled his words. “We have to depend on what the president’s going…

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WORSE THAN THE GREAT DEPRESSION!… St. Louis Fed Estimates Coronavirus Lockdown could Bring 32% Unemployment — Great Depression Brought 25% Unemployment

The Gateway Pundit 

The Cure Is Now Officially More Dangerous than the Disease. Thank you WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and globalist elites everywhere! During the Great Depression the highest rate of US unemployment was 24.9% in 1933. The St. Louis Fed projected on Monday the US unemployment rate during the coronavirus…

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Elderly Woman Dies After Being Punched by 32-year-Old Brooklyn Woman Because She “Didn’t Stay More Than 6 Feet Away” Amid Coronavirus Panic

The Gateway Pundit 

An 86-year-old woman died after a Brooklyn woman punched her for not engaging in “social distancing” amid the Coronavirus pandemic. The New York Post reported that the elderly woman was in the emergency room awaiting treatment at a Brooklyn hospital when a fellow patient punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground. The…

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Virginia Issues Stay-At-Home Order — Until June 10!

The Gateway Pundit 

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Monday issued a stay-at-home orders for state residents, which prohibits anyone from leaving home except for trips deemed “essential,” such as getting food or seeking medical assistance. The order “shall remain in full force and in effect until June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by further executive order,” said…

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China Says ‘Wet Markets’ Still Selling Bats — After Global SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic

The Gateway Pundit 

China is still allowing “wet markets” to sell all sorts of wild animals — including bats, which top scientists say was the source of the deadly coronavirus pandemic. “As the pandemic that began in Wuhan forced countries worldwide to go into lockdown, a Mail on Sunday correspondent yesterday watched as thousands of customers flocked to…

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Suspected SARS Virus And Flu Samples Found In Chinese Scientists’ Luggage Arriving In The U.S.: REPORT

The Gateway Pundit 

Samples of the suspected SARS virus and influenza were found in Chinese scientists’ luggage arriving in the U.S., according to an unclassified FBI tactical intelligence report obtained by Yahoo News. In November 2018, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Detroit Metro Airport stopped a Chinese biologist who was carrying three vials labeled “Antibodies” in…

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Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow: “Nonsense” US Navy Ship Will Be in NYC Soon – USNS “Comfort” Arrived in NY Harbor Monday Morning

The Gateway Pundit 

The TDS is strong with this one. Russian collusion truther and left-wing conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow said barely over a week ago that it’s “nonsense” the Navy hospital ship will be in New York City soon. “There is no sign that the Navy hospital ships that the President made such a big deal of —…

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It Begins… Twitter Removes Tweet By Populist President Jair Bolsonaro Because it Conflicts with Their Coronavirus Agitprop

The Gateway Pundit 

You are not allowed to disagree with your elites! Even if you are the leader of one of the world’s largest economies. Twitter removed Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s tweet on mingling with crowds this past week. It did not make it past its coronavirus panel. I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure these two…

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Justice Department Investigating Stock Trades by Senator Burr After Private Coronavirus Briefings

The Gateway Pundit 

Richard Burr Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr dumped as much as $1.72 million in hotel stocks before the Coronavirus panic hit the US while reassuring the public about Coronavirus preparedness. The Justice Department is working with the Securities and Exchange Commission to probe the trades make by Burr and other lawmakers after they were briefed on…

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EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Requests All Documents Related to Seth Rich from FBI After New Testimony from former DOJ Asst. US Attorney Discloses the FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer

The Gateway Pundit 

New evidence confirms FBI is lying again after a former Assistant US Attorney claims under oath that the FBI did examine Seth Rich’s computer. Previously we reported that after getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich, emails between FBI Deep State lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa…

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“She’s a Sick Puppy – She’s Got a Lot of Problems” – President Trump Responds to Pelosi’s Latest Disgraceful Attacks (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday President Trump was asked about Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s latest disgraceful remarks. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of ‘fiddling while people are dying’ of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. During the height of the pandemic this monster wants to start a new impeachment investigation!. What did the…

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Thieves Defy National Lockdown Orders – Steal Van Gogh Painting from Dutch Art Gallery

The Gateway Pundit 

The Singer Laren Museum Last week the Dutch government imposed similar restrictions to the ones its European neighbors have implemented to battle the coronavirus pandemic. The Netherlands announced it was closing schools and universities, ordered bars and restaurants to mostly shut and told people to work from home as much as possible. The country has…

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SHOCK REPORT: EU Total Deaths Per Week for All 24 Reporting Countries Combined is LOWER than the Normal Weekly Rate in EVERY Age Group

The Gateway Pundit 

The EU is now reporting that the total deaths per week for all 24 reporting countries combined is LOWER than the normal weekly rate in every single age group. “Note concerning COVID-19 related mortality as part of the all-cause mortality figures reported by EuroMOMO” The EuroMOMO website publishes weekly reports of mortality levels in up…

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“We Are Not Cancelling Anything” – Belarus President Ignores Coronavirus Threat, Urges Citizens To Drink Vodka, Play Hockey, Hit Saunas

The Gateway Pundit 

  Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko does not appear too concerned about the Covid 19 pandemic. He took part in a hockey game on Saturday in Minsk, and most of the country is staying open and active. Several other sporting events are also taking place, as the country is taking few, if any, measures in reaction…

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Nevada Governor Sisolak’s Chief Medical Officer Who Banned Hydroxychloroquine for Treating Coronavirus DOES NOT Have License to Practice Medicine

The Gateway Pundit 

As reported last week — Nevada’s Governor Steve Sisolak (D) on Tuesday issued an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs such as chloroquine for Coronavirus patients. In addition to barring the use of chloroquine for Coronavirus patients on Tuesday, Nevada’s governor also banned social gatherings of more than 10 people. According to the…

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Новости России

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

BREAKING: FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients

The Gateway Pundit 

** On Saturday Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he has now successfully treated 699 COVID-19 patients in New York for the coronavirus. Dr. Zelenko reported 100 percent success using a cocktail of drugs: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate. ** On Friday night the French research…

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UPDATE: Dr. Zelenko Has Now Treated 699 Coronavirus Patients with 100% SUCCESS RATE — Using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z-Pak

The Gateway Pundit 

Last weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients. Dr. Zelenko joined Sean Hannity earlier on his radio program to discuss the results from his test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h9UXkDaI5A The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with…

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The Netherlands Recalls 600,000 Chinese Face Masks – Comes After Turkey, Spain, Ukraine, Czech Republic Return Faulty Chinese COVID-19 Test Kits

The Gateway Pundit 

Turkey was the latest country to refuse Chinese coronavirus tests. Spain returned their kits last week after finding them inaccurate. The Chinese kits were only 30% accurate missing thousands of cases of the deadly virus. Spain, Chile, Ukraine, Czech Republic (I think, it was in that region), and now Turkey. All say the tests China…

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Armed Maine Residents Try to Forcibly Quarantine Out-of-Towners By Blocking Their Road With a Tree

The Gateway Pundit 

An armed group of Maine residents have attempted to forcibly quarantine a group of out-of-towners that they suspected may have the coronavirus. The trio had been in Maine for a month and reportedly show no symptoms of the coronavirus. In a Facebook post, the Knox County Sheriff’s Office reported that on Friday afternoon a resident…

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GHOULISH: Sen. Bernie Sanders Promotes Instacart Grocery Delivery Service Worker Strike During Pandemic

The Gateway Pundit 

In perhaps one of the most ghoulish moves during the coronavirus pandemic, Senator Bernie Sanders has promoted a worker strike at Instacart. Instacart is a grocery delivery service that is essential for millions of American seniors. At a time when Americans are supposed to be staying home and avoiding crowds whenever possible, the longshot presidential…

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Бьорн Борг рассказал, завершит ли карьеру Рафаэль Надаль на Кубке Лэйвера

МК: 2 человека пострадали при лобовом столкновении автомобилей в Подмосковье

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