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Teacher Forced To Pay For Students’ Plan B Out Of Pocket


FINDLAY, OH—Expressing frustration with the pressures of working in an underfunded public high school, local teacher Jason Corgenne told reporters Monday that he was forced to pay out of pocket just so his students could have access to the emergency contraception drug Plan B. “If we don’t have morning-after pills in…

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‘Bluey’ Praised For Tackling Difficult Subject Of Walking In On Parents During Their Scheduled Weekly Sex


NEW YORK—Earning widespread praise from adult viewers, a new episode of the animated children’s TV series Bluey tackled the difficult subject of walking in on your parents during their scheduled weekly sex, sources confirmed Monday. “We watch Bluey every week as a family, and I tell you, when Bandit sat Bluey down to…

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U.S. Bans TikTok


President Biden signed a bill into law banning TikTok nationwide unless the Chinese company that owns it, ByteDance, sells its stake in the app within a year. What do you think?

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Мирра Андреева обыграла Вондроушову в третьем круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Вместе с женами и к Богу. Советские актеры, которые ушли из кино

Кулубаев обсудил с министром правительства Москвы условия труда кыргызстанцев в РФ

Кандалакшские гимнастки показали себя на турнире «Искусство побеждать» в Москве

Смертоносная лихорадка Западного Нила: симптомы и кто в группе риска