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Zee News (zeenews.india.com)

Новости за 02.07.2017

Top ASEAN leaders to attend 'Delhi Dialogue' on July 4

Zee News (zeenews.india.com) 

Also known as 'Delhi Dialogue', the conference has emerged as an important forum at which political leaders, policy makers, researchers, academicians, business leaders and media persons converge for brainstorming on a range of issues.

GST to be implemented in J&K in 3-4 days: Jitendra Singh

Zee News (zeenews.india.com) 

Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) replied in negative when asked whether the BJP had "surrendered" before the PDP as far as the GST was concerned, amid reports of differences between them.

Новости России

От заморозков к плюс 20: какой будет погода в Москве в последнюю неделю сентября

Disgraced Sepp Blatter regret at overstaying FIFA tenure

Zee News (zeenews.india.com) 

The 81-year-old was banned over ethics breaches, bringing an end to his 17-year reign as FIFA chief, following a suspect two million Swiss franc ($2 million, 1.8 million euro) payment to ex-UEFA president Michel Platini.

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Касаткина вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Сеуле

Полиция задержала в Курганской области подозреваемого в двойном убийстве

Бабьего лета не будет: россиян предупредили и приходе волны заморозков

Почти 80 саженцев каштанов и лип высадили в центре Старых Химок в день акции «Всей семьей»

Специалисты администрации Можайска вакцинировались от гриппа