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What I Would Like to See For the Presidential Debate


By Ron Signore

There has been speculation that Cheeto Boy will not show up to the debate with President Biden Thursday that is to air on CNN. The opinion that has floated around social media may take many by surprise if he shows up on Thursday. Me included. Some potential confidence to support that opinion was added when Cheeto supporters threw out the magical concept of the unfairness the conditions for the debate are, and that he should cancel.

We all know that is a cover. We all know that Dementia Donny has arguments of no substance. He has no real table for policy. Then there are also the added notions of he will have no notes, no teleprompter, and only his typical deflection and projection of his failures upon others. His ramblings will be that of an impotent bully who will only look to take things personal, and attack with falsities that he has kept going through his political era (and based on his business record, likely the same for the rest of his professional and personal life). One would be crazy to believe there isn’t a fear from the MAGA camp side who know the realities of the real world to allow him to go out and shoot from the hip. His ramblings are nothing short of lunacy and if there wasn’t so much disdain for the Orange Turd, comical.

Biden is 100% correct. He owned Cheeto Boy in the debates leading up to the 2020 election. During the lead up to the 2020 election, Biden had a very strong platform on how Agent Orange handled the pandemic. There was no defense for his handling of how COVID hurt this country, people could see it with their eyes, and many felt it in their pockets with the shutdowns and layoffs. People saw through his nonsense, and people saw an aggressive Joe Biden. Things really couldn’t get much worse for the people living in reality and outside of the Q bubble. This debate, like the last, is going to be won or lost amongst the typical American voter on the fence.

Now, it is incredibly sad that there are people on the fence. Many see this election as a need to ensure our democracy. A need to prevent the possibility of a fascist dictator. Truth versus alternate facts, or opinions as they really are. The fact that we have a convicted felon allowed to run for President is already disturbing. The fact that they have laid out their agenda should they win the election with Project 2025 is worse. We can literally see a notion of good versus evil; or smart versus dumb. The potential of supporting someone who we know way too much about, far much more than we did in 2015, and someone who shut down a potential bipartisan border reform bill because it would take away a platform he had to run on, is pathetic.

I want to see Joe come out hot and on the offensive. Aggressive. This is the debate where facts are important as of now. If there is a second debate, conditions may be different, and things may not get accomplished, and facts get lost in the cloud of hot air that echoes the forum from the MAGA mind(s). With Joe speaking first, he needs to put the Orange Turd on the defensive right away. Label out the immediate nipping of the bud on bogus claims Chump will have deflecting his convictions or his cries of unfairness and corruption. He will have to take jabs at exactly that, and jabs at Chump’s intelligence by way of his failures and mess created from his 4 years at 1600 Penn.

This is a solid opportunity for Biden to outline the mess he had to clean up because of Bunker Boy’s actions with OPEC, handling of the pandemic, and ag policies that gave inflation momentum and cause to stay. The reality of the money he added to the national debt, confirming what American’s are actually paying for and who caused it.

From actual policy related items, Cheeto Boy will come out firing on the border concerns. Biden should hit with the realism of data to when the flood gates got heavier in 2018/2019, and his failed promise Mexico would pay for the wall. He will come point out making promises he cannot keep around financial relief and hide the fact that the only relief he had provided and will provide will be towards the ultra-rich. What has me curious is how he will debate topics like pro-choice vs pro-life. His stance has been aligned to the right, but not always to the full spectrum of MAGA Evangelical crazy as some would hope. His dancing around that line will be interesting, but strategically, he has the vote of the Christian Nationalists, he would be smart to appeal to the people left of that line but still pro-life.

No matter what the issue, Biden would be wise to use Agent Orange’s own words against him. He has given everyone enough material to call out his lies and broken promises. ‘Swamp’ didn’t get drained…Mexico didn’t pay for the wall… and he is on record saying the economy runs better when the dems are in office, he himself is pro-choice, amongst other damning words he has spoken throughout his life. Biden would be wise to point out his achievements, which he clearly has several in his proactive term for the people of this country, while painting the picture that his efforts have benefited all citizens, not just his supporters. In fact, some of Chump’s minions have tried taking credit for things Biden has gotten passed in this term. And of course, make him eat his words of the stock market crashing if he wasn’t elected.

Biden can get fiery. He can get aggressive, but he does it with a professionalism that will present confidence in his words. He can weave his accomplishments in with personal jabs of the nonsense Chump says and stands for that will for sure get under Chump’s skin, and likely take him off any gameplan he has been prepped with. The man cannot help himself to react poorly when his ego and boloney gets called out. Furthermore, once he gets talking, he cannot keep a thought coherently enough, so he will ramble nonsensically. His only offense against Biden will be misinformation on the lies he presents to his minions. The falsehoods of this Biden Crime Family notion they so dearly spew. He may try to get under Joe’s skin with attacks at Hunter, but Joe is ahead of that already. Joe will take that and say the right thing as a father, then the right thing as the President and act as if it is not a meaningful topic.

Joe will be two steps ahead on every avenue Agent Orange tries to go. Whether Cheeto Boy attacks with self-praising claims, left-hating claims of misinformation, or even potentially speaking to real policy platforms, Joe has an answer. He is far sharper than Cheeto Boy. He knows his stuff, he knows reality. The key characteristic Biden has is knowing when to get assertive, when to be calm, and all with a dignified and presidential professionalism. This isn’t likely an event that will change MAGA minds, or democrat minds. This is an event for the more apathetic citizen to politics, the on the fence independents to hear both sides and make a judgement on what side is reality. People should quickly see through the bogus claims of Agent Orange and his lack of intellect when he can only respond by deflecting with more desperate personal attacks compared to real answers.

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