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Новости за 05.03.2016

Afghan Security Institutions Need Robust Leadership


At a time when violence and threats are rising to unprecedented levels, all of Afghanistan's security institutions are now working under ‘acting’ leaders. Afghanistan needs confident and capable leaders for its defense and interior ministries and intelligence service to deliver at this critical hour.

Patriots, Braves reach final

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

When it comes to basketball, a strong finish is important, eh?

Jobs report shows brisk hiring in February

Times Union 

With anxiety about the economy bubbling up on Wall Street and at campaign rallies around the country, the government reported Friday that employers added 242,000 workers in February, a hefty increase that highlighted the labor market's steady gains. Four years ago, at this point in the last presidential election cycle, the jobless rate was 8.3 percent and the economic recovery was in a relatively early stage. Despite the improved economic picture, there is still plenty of distress and anger, emotions... Читать дальше...

Rihanna: Hair Style File


We look back at Rihanna's ever-evolving hair looks, ranging from scarlet crops to peroxide waves

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