News in English

Новости за 20.06.2022

Beyond spin

Online Opinion 

Advertising, hype, and brand management are all the rage at universities, and I am as guilty as anyone. Bless me, father, for I too have 'spinned'.

The Christian workplace

Online Opinion 

Although Jesus is not remembered mostly for his views on a living wage for his fellow carpenters and builders. It doesn't mean he did not have them.

Cheesy pasta with bacon and peas: Try the recipe 

This bacon and pea pasta recipe is made with no cream and minimal ingredients. All you need is 25 minutes of cook time, and 15 minutes of prep time to make the dish.

Wakefield Trinity • Charity SL Predictions League 2022

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

St Helens by 18
Warrington by 12
Wigan by 18
Huddersfield by 8
Wakefield by 8
Catalans by 10

Statistics: Posted by dboy — Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:58 pm — Replies 266 — Views 18930

Forget good cop, bad cop, thanks to wokery, it’s NO cop 

REMEMBER when policemen, looking about 12, used to solve crimes? When they’d gamely arrest baddies while clutching no more than handcuffs and a little black truncheon? Ah, the halcyon days. Today, gone are the truncheons — in their place fetching rainbow helmets, and maybe thicker trousers to help ease the physical toll of taking the […]

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Арина Соболенко

Соперница Арины Соболенко разрыдалась на плече белоруски

Рифат Сабитов принял участие в совете экспертов по проблемам реабилитации участников СВО

Участвующая в Параде Победы военная техника начала передислокацию в Москву

МИД протестирует возможность подтверждения аккаунта на «Госуслугах» за рубежом

Шахматный клуб Сергея Карякина откроется в Звездном городке