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Новости за 21.08.2024

As Wild as the Wind/This Book is Drunk book review (author James Lee Meadows)

SailingForums: Capri/Catalina 14 Talk 

This book was a disappointment. The author sailed from Miami to Boston, pretty much “three sheets to the wind,” the whole way.

I can’t overlook the accomplishment, and recognize how incredible it is. To each their own when it comes to lifestyle choices, but the book is basically a chronicle of the man sailing from one bar to the next, downing countless beers and smoking piles of joints between and at each bar. That makes it even more of a miracle the guy made it, and isn’t still...
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Divers find 5 bodies during search of superyacht wreckage after it sank off Sicily, 1 still missing - The Associated Press

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

  1. Divers find 5 bodies during search of superyacht wreckage after it sank off Sicily, 1 still missing  The Associated Press
  2. Italian divers find 5 more bodies, 1 still missing after superyacht disaster survivor's ominous text message  Fox News
  3. Divers Find 4 Bodies From Yacht That Sank Off Sicily  The New York Times
  4. Divers Find 5 Bodies in Mike Lynch's Sunken Superyacht  Business Insider
  5. Five bodies found in sunken superyacht, officials say  The Washington Post

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