Households are getting extra £170 cost of living payments before Christmas – check if you’re due cash
HOUSEHOLDS are getting extra £170 cost of living payments before Christmas.
Hard-up families can claim the cash via the government’s Household Support Fund (HSF).
The money is dished out from a pot of £842million by the Department of Work and Pensions.
Each council is allocated a portion of the money to distribute to cash-strapped families who make less than £50,000.
Grants you can claim depend on your location so you’ll have to check how much you can get and how your council will pay you.
Some local authorities are making bank transfers while others are offering help in the way of food or utility bill vouchers.
The fund was due to end in March this year but was extended until April 2024 – meaning households can get more support.
And residents in the London Borough of Merton could get £170 free cash.
It will pay those who claim Housing Benefit but no other state-funded benefits.
You do not need to apply for the £170 and the money will be paid out automatically by the council.
Those who qualify will be sent a voucher throughout December.
You can redeem it at any Post Office within three months of the date on your voucher.
Check with your local council to find out what support is available and the eligibility criteria.
To get the help, you’ll need to check with your local council as local authorities are in charge of distributing the funding.
To find your local council, use the council finder tool.