He did it once, and he'll do it again: The GOP primary is structured to give Trump a glide path to nomination
AP Photo/Reba Saldanha
- Donald Trump maintains a significant edge in the Super Tuesday states, per a Morning Consult survey.
- And he's buoyed by broader GOP delegate rules, which similarly helped him win the 2016 nomination.
- This year, the winner-take-most rules in states like California were tweaked in Trump's favor.
Former President Donald Trump appears to be headed for a major romp in Iowa in January, with New Hampshire and South Carolina also looking strong for him despite efforts from his two main rivals, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, to compete hard in the early-nominating states.
While they're good early signals of support, the real action in this primary starts up on Super Tuesday, when almost 900 delegates are up for grabs. A candidate will need to win 1,215 out of the 2,429 available delegates to win the nomination, and the very structure of the GOP primary is slated to give a candidate like Trump a serious edge.
In 2016, slim margins of victory delivered huge delegate payloads
This is not new territory for Trump. Taking advantage of winner-take-all and winner-take-most states was a key element of his victory in 2016.
The following chart is of the 2016 Republican presidential primary through Indiana, the state that delivered the win to Trump and pushed out his remaining rivals. It shows how much of the votes Trump got in each state, and the resulting number of delegates that vote translated into. You'll observe that the GOP delegate system is built to give lots of delegates to modest victories.
The diagonal line represents a perfectly proportional allocation of delegates, so if someone gets 40% of the vote, they'd get 40% of the delegates. Several states are on or near this line because that's precisely how they allocated their delegates, proportionally.
While many of the early states allocate delegates to candidates proportionally, most of the states in the GOP primary are not, in fact, proportional. Later on in the cycle, many states opt to pursue winner-take-all (where the candidate that gets a plurality of the vote gets all of the state's delegates) or so-called winner-take-most, which usually allocate delegates at a statewide and congressional district level, and effectively reward a disproportionate amount of delegates to the top performer.
Trump won all the winner-take-all states except Utah and Ohio, and he won all the winner-take-most states except Wisconsin. He accomplished that despite rarely winning an outright majority of the votes, because his rivals were unable to coalesce around a single nominee.
Incidentally, it certainly looks like that's about to happen again.
The polling indicates Trump could sweep in winner-take-all and winner-take-most states
In 2016, Trump won the presidential nomination despite running in a divided field, as he won enough of the winner-takes-all states to give himself an early edge. And next year, Trump is poised to go down a similar path.
A recent Morning Consult tracking survey showed Trump with gargantuan leads in a set of key Super Tuesday races, to be held on March 5.
In the Alabama primary, Trump leads DeSantis 66%-16% among potential GOP primary voters, with Haley in third-place with 10% support. And given Trump's sizable lead in the state and the proportional allocation rules governing its primary, he stands to capture the state's 50 delegates overwhelmingly.
Similarly, in California, Trump holds a whopping 71%-10% lead over DeSantis in the tracking survey, with Haley at 8% support and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 7% support. There are 169 delegates at stake in California, more than any other state.
Under California's winner-takes-most system, any candidate securing over 50% of the vote will be awarded all of the state's 169 delegates. And that outcome is heavily tilted toward … Trump. If the top candidate earns less than 50% of the vote, then the delegates will be allocated proportionately based on the statewide vote.
In past cycles, California's delegates were determined by congressional district. But in 2012 and 2016, the most recent years where there were competitive GOP presidential primaries, the contests were held in June, well after each year's nominees — Mitt Romney and Donald Trump — had effectively sewn up their nominations.
In 2024, Trump will be buoyed by GOP loyalists in California and Nevada who control the levers of power within the state parties who tweaked the primary and caucus rules in his favor.
Other winner-takes-most Super Tuesday states like Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Texas also strongly favor Trump.
Texas, which will have a winner-takes-most primary, has the second-largest delegate haul, at 161. And Trump currently has a 69%-12% lead over DeSantis in the state, which, if it stands, would allow him to rack up virtually all of the delegates at the congressional level given his support that's well above the 50% threshold.
Despite coming in second place to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the state's 2016 presidential primary, Trump still secured 48 delegates to Cruz's 104. But Cruz was the home state candidate and Trump's political appeal within the GOP had not yet firmed to the level it is today.
Next year, Trump won't have a similar impediment to winning the state as a combination of easy victories in winner-takes-all states and winner-takes-most states is poised to easily hand him to nomination.