Pro Tip For RoJo: When You're In A Deep Hole, Stop Digging!
Earlier this week, Senator Ron Johnson was being interviewed by CNN's Kaitlan Collins when she asked him about Wisconsin's fake electors. The panic on RoJo's face was obvious as he started spluttering some nonsense about Democrats using fake electors all the time. When she pressed him further to explain himself, he said he would have his office get back to her. A few hours later, they did send a tweet that had nothing to do with what she had asked him.
Collins revisited the issue and address RoJo's ludricous tweet, pointing out, as we did, that it was an agreed upon solution while a recount was going on in Hawaii. Collins went on to point out that then Vice-President Richard Nixon, who lost the recount, had verified the winner's slate of electors himself. Collins pointed that while Wisconsin also had a recount in 2020, the recount was over more than two weeks before the fake electors met.
After dismantling the other points off-handedly, Collins went in for the kill by pointing out RoJo's role in the fake elector scheme, being a mule for the fake elector slates from Wisconsin and Michigan. Collins added at the end that his role is something "that will surely be included in history books."
Now, that was a chef's kiss if I ever saw one.