However, you've also got new WoTLK 21
However, you've also got new spells as Well, Lava Burst and wind shear, specifically the wind WoTLK Gold shear that interrupts. This is something we need to discuss briefly since it's not part of the global cooling down.
This means that you can utilize this anytime you can cancel a cast or a spell, and immediately use it to interrupt to your Earth Shock no longer interrupts instead, you can use wind shear that instantly blasts your target in a blast of wind, causing no harm, but it interrupts spell casting and preventing any spell that scores from being used for the duration of two seconds. It also reduces your fear, making enemies less likely to attack you.
This is an average of six seconds to cool down. This means you get that incredible brief interruption, while decreasing your stress. It's very lovely. Very nice. Moving further down to the element tree of destruction is essentially swapping places, and it's still intended to be an enhancement spell. You're not likely to consider this to be an the elemental elemental warden's role has modified slightly since TBC which in TBC it decreases the damage from the effects of fire and nature effects by 10%..
It's now a 6 percent damage reduction, with just three points called a flame. It increases the damage caused through your totems of fire, and it will increase the damage 15% damage and the damage caused by your Lava Burst spells by 6 percent. As we've already talked about in the section on totems the fire Nova is no longer an absolute, it's not suitable over totems, but it's acceptable over any type of fire totem that you own and on large aoe you could choose to use Magma Totem.
If it's a single goal or there's not many AOE and you're standing behind, you'll likely use your time of anger. If there were advertisements that were directed at you, you might be able to find the time of wrath,buy WoTLK Classic Gold if that's your intention. Reverberation does the exact thing.