Massive change to eyesight test for drivers set for 2024… will you be affected?
A MAJOR change to eyesight tests for drivers is set for 2024 – will you be affected?
New road laws are due to be dropped next year and ignorant motorists have been warned they could be slapped with hefty fines.
Experts at online car marketplace, AutoTrader, outline a full list of changes that could come into force next year.
Nimisha Jain, a motoring guru at the company, explained important differences expected in the DSVA eyesight exam.
Although it is yet to be confirmed, many industry giants predict learners might be tested in varying lighting conditions.
“As part of the DVSA’s plan for 2024, the eyesight test during a driving test might see some changes,” said Nimisha.
“Currently, if you can read a number plate from 20 metres away, you pass the eyesight test.
“This method of testing your eyesight might change in the future.
“The DVSA is consulting a Medical Panel on how the testing procedure should look, as well as asking drivers and experts on better ways to conduct the test.”
This comes as Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers are also set to face new safety rules in 2024.
Transport for London announced HGV motorists will need a safety permit before entering Greater London.
The new star rating system, expected to come into force in October, will range from zero stars (the lowest rating, with poor direct vision) up to five stars (the highest rating with excellent direct vision).
Different ratings will equate to varying degrees of safety system requirements.
If you drive a HGV within most of Greater London without a valid permit, you may receive a penalty charge of up to £550.
Nimisha also suggested next year could see more UK motorists opt for electric cars.
This could lead to a bad year for petrol and diesel prices, as the Government might potentially end the freeze on fuel duty.
The AutoTrader expert explained: “Fuel duty has been frozen since January 2011 to prevent its rise with inflation.
“The basic rate on diesel and petrol has been 52.95 pence per litre (ppl) as per the Office for Budget Responsibility which includes the 5ppl cut the Government has granted until the end of March 2024 to help with the cost-of-living crisis.
“In Spring Budget 2024, we will find out more about what the Government plans to do with the fuel duty freeze and the 5ppl cut.
This comes as another expert revealed the “worst” mistake you can make when storing your car for the winter.
A common myth suggests drivers should start it every week or so and let it idle just to keep everything ticking over – here’s why that could cause huge problems.
Plus, the RAC has warned drivers they could break down from common post-Christmas problem – don’t get caught out.
The breakdown and driving services company expects to attend a record 12,000 breakdowns on January 2 2024.
Meanwhile, an expert from Kwik-Fit has revealed the secret code that shows how old your tyres are – and when you need to change them.
Nick Gilbert explained how motorists can stay safe on the road and save hundreds in the process.