Турецкий реэкспорт фруктов и овощей в Россию начнут отслеживать с нового года
С 1 января 2016 года Россия начнет внимательно отслеживать возможные реэкспортные поставки турецких овощей и фруктов через Казахстан и Азербайджан.
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С 1 января 2016 года Россия начнет внимательно отслеживать возможные реэкспортные поставки турецких овощей и фруктов через Казахстан и Азербайджан.
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Главный тренер «Валенсии» Гари Невилл прокомментировал итоги матча 6-го тура группового этапа Лиги чемпионов с «Лионом» (0:2).
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Robert Lewis Dear, the man accused of killing three people and injuring nine others in a shooting spree at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood last month, said in court Wednesday that he is guilty and that he is a "warrior for the babies" and against Planned Parenthood.
Читать дальше...Even though permission to it had lapsed, Amar Circus continued to hold shows at the Kasturchand Park, which is a historical playground and grade-1 heritage open space, for nine days.
Mit einer beispiellosen Entscheidung hat der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) diejenigen Beobachter bestätigt, die in ihm schon immer ein politisches Werkzeug der USA sahen. Er kündigte an, seine Satzung zu ändern, um die Ukraine auch im Fall des anstehenden Staatsbankrotts weiter mit Krediten zu finanzieren.
Die Ukraine schuldet nämlich Russland drei Milliarden US-Dollar, die am 20. Dezember zurückgezahlt werden müssen. Da die Staatskassen leer sind, ist die Zahlung extrem schwierig bis unmöglich. Читать дальше...
Washington Post reporter Andrea Peterson has put together a really excellent explainer piece on what you should know about encryption. Considering the source, it's a good "general knowledge" explainer piece for people who really aren't that aware of encryption or technically savvy. That's important and useful, given how important this debate is and how many participants in it don't seem to understand the first thing about encryption. But what struck me is this little tidbit: Can the government stop terrorists from using encryption? Читать дальше...
$30 is a solid price for any decent bathroom scale, but this one actually includes Bluetooth to sync with your phone. In fact, it can import the data directly into a bunch of popular fitness tracking apps, including Apple’s built-in HealthKit.
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Justin Sullivan/Getty
In a Facebook post, founder and recent dad Mark Zuckerberg has pledged his support to the global Muslim community in the wake of a rising tide of anti-Muslim sentiment worldwide.
"If you're a Muslim in this community, as the leader of Facebook I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will fight to protect your rights and create a peaceful and safe environment for you," Zuckerberg writes.
As Zuckerberg correctly notes, the recent... Читать дальше...
<P>O Tribunal da Justiça Militar (TJM-RS), com sede em Porto Alegre, apreciou nesta quarta-feira recursos em relação ao julgamento, em primeira instância, de três bombeiros que atuavam em Santa Maria na época do <STRONG> <STRONG>incêndio da boate Kiss</STRONG> </STRONG>. Ocorrido em 27 de janeiro de 2013, esse acidente foi o mais grave da história gaúcha e deixou 242 mortos.</P> <P>Dois <STRONG> <STRONG>oficiais que já tinham sido condenados</STRONG> </STRONG>... Читать дальше...
- Rozegraliśmy trzy mecze przeciwko egzotycznym drużynom i nie ma wątpliwości, że takie zespoły nam nie leżą. Prawda jest jednak taka, że kolejny raz fatalnie rozpoczęliśmy spotkanie. To moja wina i biorę za to pełną odpowiedzialność. Nie pomogłem drużynie tak bardzo jak bym chciał. Jestem zawiedziony moją postawą, jednak bez względu na wszystko staram się walczyć razem z dziewczynami i w tym meczu wspólnie wyszarpaliśmy wygraną. O potyczce z Holenderkami myślę już od kilku miesięcy. Nie ma co ukrywać... Читать дальше...
Thomson Reuters
Men's Wearhouse is booking a $90.1 million charge for its failed investment in Jos. A. Bank.
Shares are down 13% in after-hours trading.
For the third quarter, the company is reporting a net loss of $27.15 million or $0.56 per share.
More to come...
NOW WATCH: How to win a game of chess in two moves
Revenue minister Eknath Khadse informed the lower house on Wednesday that state government would impose Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act, 1981, on those involved in illegal sand mining.
Media refused to call Robert Lewis Dear an anti-abortion terrorist; now he admitted he was politically motivated
La menace jihadiste n'est pas qu'un simple sujet de conversation à la mode pour les autorités de l'Etat du Sénégal qui semblent prendre la pleine mesure des risques terroristes qui planent sur notre pays. Sans faire dans le tintamarre, des mesures strictes de surveillance sont appliquées depuis quelques semaines dans la capitale sénégalaise où le débat sur l'opportunité de s'engager dans la lutte contre la menace jihadiste fait encore couler beaucoup de salive.
Des sources très... Читать дальше...
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian federal and state police said on Thursday morning they had arrested two people as part of an ongoing operation to thwart attacks against civilians by home-grown and foreign radicals.
The nonsense spouted by America's demagogue-in-chief threatens genuine progress made by those who are serious about tackling Islamic extremism
Россия и Великобритания должны совместно бороться с террористической организацией ДАИШ. Об этом в среду договорились президент России Владимир Путин и премьер Великобритании Дэвид Кэмерон в ходе личного разговора, передает ВВС.
Читать дальше...The National Herald case against the Gandhis continued to dominate discourse in Parliament for a second consecutive day as opposition Congress disrupted proceedings and accused the government of using state machinery to “crush’’ its voice.
<p>Milhares de militantes partidários da presidente da Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, se reuniram nesta quarta-feira, em Buenos Aires, para se despedir em seu último dia no poder, em meio a uma polêmica com seu sucessor Mauricio Macri carregada de drama.</p><p>Esta telenovela política termina com um final decidido na Justiça e sem um "felizes para sempre".</p><p>Na despedida, uma multidão acompanhou tudo por telões gigantes instalados na emblemática Praça de Maio, enquanto... Читать дальше...
MILFORD, Conn. (Reuters) - A young Connecticut man has cooked up a flame-throwing drone that roasts turkeys, but his latest foray into unmanned flight has drawn the attention of the law - again.