DXNL 2323 - October 12, 2022 DX Newsletter
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Andreas Salder, DK5ON
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DX Activities
The special event station 4X0VK honours the memory of the
Australian Light Horse Battalion of WW I on Oct. 14 and 15 from
Holyland square N07KN. QRV on HF and via QO-100. QSL via 4X6ZM
(d/B), eQSL, LoTW. https://iarc.org/railway/
Members of the radio club HL0UHQ operate around the 103rd Korean
National Sports Festival with the callsign HL22NSF until Oct. 30.
QSL via bureau or direct.
Carlos/CT2GQA has returned to Guinea Bissau and operates (mostly on
FT8) as J5JUA. He stays until the end of 2022 and also holds the
callsign J5GQA. QSL via CT2GQA.
OE2XWL/2 is a scout club station taking part in the 65th JOTA
(Jamboree on the Air) from Oct. 14 to 16. QSL via bureau.
The special event station OE78CLM (EPC #34448) commemorates the
liberation of Knokke-Heist in 1944 by Canadian forces. QRV on Nov.
4, 5, and 6. An award is also available: www.onz.be/award-request/.
QSL via bureau.
DX News
Dominik/3Z9DX, at present still active as 3D2USU, announces that
QSL cards for this call will only be available after his return to
Europe. Before, however, he plans a DXpedition to Banaba as T33T.
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
operates /p from this group between the 15th and 28th. QSL via
NA-102; FG, GUADELOUPE: Philippe/F1DUZ will be active again as
FG4KH from the station of FG5FI between Oct. 17 and Nov. 2. QRV on
HF and during the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via F1DUZ (d/B).
NA-102; FG, GUADELOUPE: Manfred/DK1BT, Tom/DL7BO, Wolf/DL4WK,
Annette/DL6SAK, and Frank/DL7UFR are going to put Guadeloupe on the
air from Oct. 10 to 23. QRV as TO2DL with 3 rigs on 160-10m (CW,
SSB, digital modes), including 60m. Pilots are Sigi (DL7DF) and
Bernd (DF3CB). For more information see: http://www.dl7df.de/fg/
QSL via DL7DF (d/B), OQRS.
NA-103; VP2M, MONTSERRAT: Watch out for Lee/K7NM (VP2MLB),
Glenn/AC7ZN (VP2MZN), Mike/WA5POK (VP2MOK), Cheryl/KM4TYV (VP2MYV),
Larry/K5LDA (VP2MDA), and Cliff/KD6XH (VP2MXH) operating from
Montserrat between the 13th and 20th on 160-6m (CW, SSB, FT8/4).
QSL via homecalls.
NA-213; W4, ALABAMA STATE group: Tom/KM4VI operates holiday-style
from Oct. 13 to 15 from Dauphin Island. QSL via LoTW, qrz.com,
ClubLog or via direct mail.
Didi/YB9HF, Christiano/YB9GWR, Gunawan/YD9GBX, and
Ardiansyah/YD9GBU activate Sumbawa Island between Oct. 13 and 16 on
40, 20, 15, and 10m (SSB, FT8). For QSL information see the
operators' entries on qrz.com.
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
KFF-0750, Palo Alto Battlefield Historic Site, KFF-3509, Port Isabel
Lighthouse Historic Site, KFF-0549, Laguna Atascosa NWA, KFF-0550, Lower
Rio Grande Valley NWR, KFF-3043, Mustang Island State Park, KFF-0690,
South Padre Island National Seashore, KFF-3027, Lake Corpus Christi
State Park, KFF-2997, Choke Canyon State Park:
K5G plans a tour of KFF locations according to the following
Oct. 12, 1400 - 1800z, KFF-0750, 2000 - 2355z, KFF-3509;
Oct. 13, 1300 - 1630z, KFF-0549, 1830 - 2230z, KFF-0550;
Oct. 14, 1300 - 1700z, KFF-3043, 1830 - 2230z, KFF-0690;
Oct. 15, 0000 - 1600z, KFF-3027, 1800 - 2200z, KFF-2997.
QSL direct via KG5OWB, eQSL, qrz.com, LoTW.
Parks On The Air (POTA)
K-1010 - Mississippi Palisades State Park:
N9EA plans to activate this park from Oct. 13 to 26. QSL via bureau
or direct.
PY-0265 - Lagamar de Cananeia State Park:
PY2RIO operates from here via LEO Satellites between Oct. 14 and
17. QSL via PY2AA (B), LoTW, ClubLog, eQSL.
K-2997, Choke Canyon State Park:
Matt/K5NON operates from this park between Oct. 14 and 16 on 40,
30, 20, and 15m. QSL via bureau or direct.
ON-0518, Atlantikwall Raversyde National Historical Park:
Peter/ON3PAN and some other operators sign OP8L/p on the 15th and
16th from this location on HF, VHF, UHF, and via QO-100. QSL via
ON8WTF, qrz.com, LoTW, eQSL.
VE-1368 - North Maple Regional Park:
Carlos/VA3CRL participates in the JOTA event on the 15th from here.
QSL via bureau or direct.
K-2883 - Andrew Jackson State Park:
WA9VFD activates this park on Oct. 15 (1155-16z). QSL via bureau or
VE-5082 - The Great Trail of Canada National Scenic Trail:
The London Amateur Radio Club operates from this location with the
callsign VE3LON on the 15th. QSL via bureau or direct.
K-7708 - Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument:
The Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club pays this location a visit on
the 15th, operating as KY4X.
K-8313 - Mountains to Sea State Trail, K-0415 - Pea Island National
Wildlife Refuge, K-0682 - Cape Hatteras National Seashore:
Darcy/K4DQP plans to acivate these references from Oct. 16 to 22.
QSL via bureau or direct.
K-1001 - James Pate Philip State Park:
W9P, operated by WQ9F, will be active from here on Oct. 16
(17z-00z) on 40 and 20m (SSB). QSL via WQ9F.
Short term awards on HF
For details on this award, which requires contacts with Austrian
scout stations and Austrian scout club stations, see:
The award's manager is Georg, OE5GHO.