A dive into the genetic history of India, and the role of vitamin A in skin repair
What modern Indian genomes say about the region’s deep past, and how vitamin A influences stem cell plasticity
First up this week, Online News Editor Michael Price and host Sarah Crespi talk about a large genome sequencing project in India that reveals past migrations in the region and a unique intermixing with Neanderthals in ancient times.
Next on the show, producer Kevin McLean chats with Matthew Tierney, a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University, about how vitamin A and stem cells work together to grow hair and heal wounds.
This week’s episode was produced with help from Podigy.
Authors: Sarah Crespi; Kevin McLean; Michael Price
Episode page: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.zfhqarg
About the Science Podcast: https://www.science.org/content/page/about-science-podcast