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Новости за 09.04.2024

The Forgotten Palestinians in Syria


The Syrian Civil War was the longest and most complex geo-political conflict to emerge out of the Arab Spring, thus creating a complicated legacy for leftist analysts to interrogate. In this interview, exclusive for Counterpunch, former United Nations special rapporteur, and international relations scholar Richard Falk, breaks down Palestine and Syria and the history and More

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Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Allies File Lawsuit to Restore Endangered Species Act Protections for Wolves


Let’s get right to the point, the end goal of the wolf ‘management plans’ in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming is to once again exterminate them from the Northern Rockies. They think the only good wolf is a dead wolf. The wolf slaughter is out of control with bounties, shoot-on-sight, traps, snares, night scopes, and aerial More

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What Are U.S. Assurances Worth?


In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the sentient computer HAL becomes unreliable and eventually homicidal. The cause of this is a contradiction in HAL’s programming. While programmed to act on and dispense information in a straightforward and accurate fashion, HAL is simultaneously programmed to lie about the true nature of his mission. As his More

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No One Owns the Future


Even the international condemnation of the Israeli devastation of Gaza often feels tepid. Consider, for instance, the words of U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in the wake of Israel’s April 1 drone strike on a convoy of cars from World Central Kitchen, a disaster relief organization bringing food to starving Gazans. The strike killed seven aid workers. More

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New York Times Lies to Readers About Student Loan Debt


The New York Times is apparently finding it difficult to be honest with its readers about the burden of student loan debt. It ran a major column telling readers that the burden of student loan debt is discouraging young people from becoming priests or nuns. The whole premise of this column rests on a lie, More

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San Francisco Weed Week: A Personal History


When I grew marijuana in northern California from about 1977 to 1986, I did not once think or imagine that one day it would be legal to do so. I was not a cannabis activist or a cannabis advocate. I wrote about weed, but I did so for High Times and other publications under the More

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Haiku for the American Totality 4/8/24


Eclipse in the sky: Our worlds align for an hour — Sun, moon, planet, eye. Something shared by all, Coast to coast, straining to see: Same sliver of sun. Blazing rim of fire In each skyward human eye: Shavings of a star. Donning dark glasses We protect our eyes and those Of people we love. More

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