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Новости за 25.04.2024

Columbia Protests Now and in ‘68


The student protests on the campus of Columbia University this April have reminded me of the protests that took place there 56 years ago. Along with about  700 or so other men and women, I was arrested and jailed at the Tombs in Manhattan. Those arrests didn’t curtail student protests. Indeed, there were demonstrations later that year and again in 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1972. When push comes to shove, Columbia has called on the police again and again and the police have arrived in force and have made arrests. Читать дальше...

Panic City: New York and the ‘Doom Loop’


For at least the past quarter-century, the entire mythology of New York City has been one of tenuous renaissance. ‘Renaissance’ being the French word for rebirth. Of course, every Renaissance needs a Dark Age. One that not only exists in the past but looms over the present like a specter. The Renaissance people study in More

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Raising Hairless Primates


I remember the first time I observed my daughter pointing. We were at a neighborhood playgroup, a daily gathering of toddlers and their parents, and 12-month-old Tessa pointed at a painting of a koala on the wall. I marveled at her, almost yipping with joy. In the days and weeks that followed she pointed with More

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The Clown Must Die: a Review of Rushdie’s Knife


“Conversely, imagine “the enemy” as conceived by a man of ressentiment—and here precisely is his deed, his creation: he has conceived “the evil enemy,” “the evil one”—and indeed as the fundamental concept frem which he then derives, as an afterimage and counterinstance, a “good one’—himself.” – Nietzsche Salman Rushdie is a funny guy. I wouldn’t say More

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Rascals in Robes, Honesty in Rags


The Maine legislature has recently adjourned. Having “lost” one-third of Maine’s commercial dairy farms since 2020 and reportedly inclined to keep the remaining 145 outfits in-operation, the legislature voted to “set up a task force that will study the challenges facing the state’s commercial dairy farmers and recommend ways to support the long-term sustainability of More

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Alliance for the Wild Rockies Stops 100 Miles of Roads and 5,000 Acres of Clearcuts on Montana Public Lands


The Alliance for the Wild Rockies and its co-Plaintiff, Native Ecosystems Council, have prevailed in stopping the Middleman project in Montana’s Big Belt Mountains, which was yet another massive and illegal Forest Service 20-year logging and burning project in western Montana. We believe the Forest Service settled the case because the agency had again violated More

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Genocidal Irony 


The crime of genocide is surrounded by multiple ironies and contradictions. One of these involves the political and moral problem of the nation-state itself. For not only does the nation-state privilege, and claim to protect, one nation by warring against and destroying others; to paraphrase Balzac’s quip about there being a great crime behind every More

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The Crisis in Haiti: Perspectives from the Leadership of Fanmi Lavalas


The Haiti Action Committee is honored to send out this transcript of a presentation by Fanmi Lavalas executive committee members, Dr. Maryse Narcisse and Joel “Pacha” Vorbe, delivered via zoom during our April 6th event at Eastside Arts Alliance in Oakland, California. In their presentation, the two Lavalas representatives analyze the current disastrous situation in More

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Спорт в России и мире

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Ирина Хромачёва

Хромачева и Данилина вышли в финал турнира в Хуахине

Ремонт пяти котельных завершат в Щелкове до конца года

Экс-замглавы МЧС Кубани не признал вину в организации покушения на убийство

Бабьего лета не будет: россиян предупредили и приходе волны заморозков

После стрельбы у офиса Wildberries в Москве арестовали 19 человек