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Новости за 10.02.2016

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire Wins Show that People Are Sick of the Establishment

In These Times 

From RobertReich.org.

You will hear pundits analyze the New Hampshire primaries and conclude that the political “extremes” are now gaining in American politics—that the Democrats have moved to the left and the Republicans have moved to the right, and the “center” will not hold.


The truth is that the putative “center”—where the Democratic Leadership Council and Bill Clinton’s “triangulation” of the 1990s found refuge, where George W. Bush and his corporate buddies... Читать дальше...

The More Bernie Sanders Wins, the More Establishment Liberals Will Tell You He Can’t Win

In These Times 

This post first appeared at Jacobin.

Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire Democratic primary last night.

Edith Wharton described it best:

The blast that swept him came off New Hampshire snow-fields and ice-hung forests. It seemed to have traversed interminable leagues of frozen silence, filling them with the same cold roar and sharpening its edge against the same bitter black-and-white landscape.

Some fascinating tidbits about the Democratic primary voters from... Читать дальше...

Without Black Lives Matter, Would Flint’s Water Crisis Have Made Headlines?

In These Times 

Why is Rick Snyder, Michigan's suddenly infamous governor, in the center of the media’s crosshairs? Massive coverage—front-page pieces in the New York Times, headlines in the nightly news, wall-to-wall coverage by Rachel Maddow—has linked the contamination of Flint’s water supply to the fact that its population is 57 percent African-American, and has either explicitly or implicitly cited the catastrophe as an act of “environmental racism.” That’s a term we haven’t heard much in the media, despite... Читать дальше...

Christopher Hitchens’ Latest, Posthumous Essay Collection Stings Without a Point

In These Times 

And Yet…, the latest posthumous collection of essays by the famously acerbic critic and journalist Christopher Hitchens, was clearly published as an attempt to validate the author’s post-9/11 political conversion from the Left to the Right. Instead of continuity, however, we find the author snickering at dead ideas and dead revolutionaries, squandering Orwell’s moral surplus for his own ragged defense of imperialism and inviting others to join in on his new-found sentimentalities about American institutions (especially the military). Читать дальше...

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