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Новости за 05.07.2018

Araby: A Road Movie Driven By Economic Necessity, Not Wanderlust

In These Times 

At first blush, the new Brazilian film Araby feels like a typical oh-so-sensitive imported movie, the kind, a la Il Postino, that Miramax used to market so successfully to mezzobrow filmgoers. We open with a teen—one of the mode’s moody, slim, soulfully troubled boys with a vast head of uncombed hair—biking alone on a mountain road, and the camera follows him as an old Jackson C. Frank ballad strums lyrically. We’ve been here before, you think; here comes the dysfunctional home, the mumbling self-pity... Читать дальше...

What We Mean When We Say Abolish ICE

In These Times 

Activists staged creative protests across the United States on Monday, rappelling off of buildings, blockading a federal court in San Diego and occupying an Atlanta Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center. The spate of direct actions follows days of mass marches and acts of civil disobedience, fueled by public outrage at the Trump administration’s harsh immigration crackdown, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ “zero-tolerance” policy of escalating deportations and the... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

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Лучший теннисист Казахстана узнал позицию в обновленном рейтинге ATP

Сотрудники следственного изолятора № 2 приняли участие в акции «Свеча памяти»

Акцию ко Дню памяти и скорби провели в клубе «Активное долголетие» в Лобне

В лесах Подмосковья продолжается устранение последствий урагана «Эдгар»

Центробанк России повысил курс доллара до 87,96 рубля