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Новости за 21.09.2018

Instant Pots? Bad, Says Me, A Pot Expert


Fall—that all-too-brief season that, at least in New York City, lasts for three days before transitioning into a miserable five-month-long reminder that the cycle of life inevitably ends in death—is upon us. For some, the arrival of fall conjours up mental images of hearty soups and rich stews, which, yes! These foods…

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Why We Didn't Report


After holding in an asteroid-sized shit for over a week, Donald Trump finally expelled his bowels onto Twitter Friday morning with the odious tweet you know he’s been wanting to write ever since Christine Blasey Ford came forward about Brett Kavanaugh. Here it is:

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Dicks in the Wilderness 


Last Friday, the New York Review of Books published an almost 3,500-word mea culpa by Jian Ghomeshi, in which the disgraced Canadian former radio host—who had been accused by more than 20 women of sexual abuse and assault, including punching them in the face during sex—attempted to redeem himself in the public eye. In…

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La La Anthony Is Ready to Set It Off


On the Starz series Power, which just completed its fifth season in familiar dramatic fashion, La La Anthony plays a character who’s perpetually ride or die. Omari Hardwick leads the show, as a businessman slash drug kingpin, James “Ghost” St. Patrick, who constantly fails in his attempts to rehabilitate his life and…

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The Sexy Handmaid's Tale Costume Was Fine


After a mere half-day of internet outrage, Yandy has pulled a look from its online store that, while technically titled “Brave Red Maven Costume,” can only accurately be described as “Sexy Handmaid’s Tale Costume” in my book. People apparently were mad that an outfit used to depict a subordinate class of women in…

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Fatness, Race, and Food Policies in America 


On Wednesday the Huffington Post’s long-form vertical Highline published an ambitious piece titled “Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong.” The story illustrates the medical community’s systematic failure to provide care to the fat and obese, and the social, cultural, and economic shame that perpetuates a cycle…

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Has Colton Been Hiding a Personality This Entire Time?


On Thursday, your virgin Bachelor and mine, Colton Underwood, appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to “meet” three contestants from his upcoming season, which is scheduled to air on ABC in January. The ladies are certainly sweet and end-of-episode-blooper-reel ready (one woman, Sydney, offers the misremembered pickup…

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WSJ: Япония запустила ракеты в ответ на заход самолетов РФ за воздушную границу

Начальник почтового отделения из Заринска вошла в топ-3 лучших в стране

В Москве рассказали о планах на рост числа новых рабочих мест на юге столицы

Легкомоторный самолет упал в Алтайском крае