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Новости за 08.04.2024

Delving into Ancient Jordan’s necropoleis through funerary portraits

Jordan Times 

AMMAN — A funerary portrait serves as the lasting image through which the deceased hoped to be remembered by posterity for all eternity. It was a very important artistic and archaeological evidence about the urban life in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, from the province of Arabia or from the Decapolis. Stelai, busts, sarcophagi, statues, tomb façades, doors and painted frescoes tend to depict social values of the patrons and family of the deceased. These objects of art are very often correlated with religious customs and practices. Читать дальше...

Resilience & food challenges taking it one day at a time

Jordan Times 

By Sonia Salfity,
Desperate Dieter

When an object has the capacity to be elastic enough to spring back into shape it’s described as being resilient as well.

This is exactly what we can train ourselves to do. When the going gets tough, we can spring back sooner rather than later. No matter how difficult our journey is, being resilient will help us get to the other side.

Calling it quits?

The question I have for you is: What does it look like in real life for us desperate dieters to be resilient? Читать дальше...

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