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Новости за 06.09.2018

Add Pickle Juice to Your Sautéed Vegetables


Trendy faux-dive bars are all about the pickleback, but back in my day, I had to sneak sips of the salty brine because it was “weird” and “the pickles were starting to dry out.” But pickle juice is more than a cucumber-preserving liquid, and I’m glad the world is starting to appreciate its broader culinary uses.

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Block a Thousand Twitter Advertisers at Once


Furious at whatever asinine thing Twitter is doing now? Or just want to make Twitter ads less distracting? Because the main Twitter ad unit is an actual tweet, you can block a lot of Twitter ads by blocking actual accounts. On the site Block Together, which creates shareable block lists, user Shannon Coulter has…

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How to Remove an Unfit President With the 25th Amendment


The US Constitution provides instructions for how to remove a president from office if they are unfit to do their job—gravely wounded, for example, or mentally unstable. The instructions were ratified as an amendment in 1967, after John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Until that point, the Constitution just vaguely…

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How to Help Kids Who Hate Gym Class 


P.E. class was a rough time for junior high Michelle. There was that day I was picked dead last for some team—I forget which. As the final trickle of names were called, I protested louder and louder in my head. (“What! Aw, come on, I’m at least better than her.”) And then there was that game of dodgeball when I…

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The Best Prague Travel Tips From Our Readers


This week, Hack Your City went to one of those beautiful European cities where the buildings still look fresh out of the Renaissance. Prague is one of the continent’s top tourist destinations, so we asked readers for the best tips for less-than-obvious choices. We got those, plus some recs for old standards, in the…

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