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Новости за 17.09.2018

Add Pureed Charcuterie to Pasta Sauce


I rarely cook something the same way twice. This is especially true with pasta sauce, as it is adaptable by nature. The other night I was making a simple spaghetti dinner for myself and a friend, simply because I had found a can of tomatoes I didn’t know I had. As I was tasting and tweaking, I remembered I had about…

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How to Conquer Your Fears, With Author Dean Sluyter 


This week, we’re digging into the things you’re terrified of—the concrete stuff like fear of spiders and heights, as well as the more conceptual, existential anxiety we all have about just being alive. First, we interview Dean Sluyter, author of the new book Fear Less: Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Addiction…

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Infant Walkers Are Still Bad 


Infant walkers, those wheeled contraptions that give babies who can’t yet walk the sudden ability to walk, are bad. This has been long established. But parents keep using them and so pediatricians are renewing the call for a ban.

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How to Find Classical Music You Actually Like


Classical music has been evolving for centuries, so there are all different kinds of sounds. That means that if you hate one kind, you can still love several other kinds. Hate opera? You still might love the orchestra. Symphonies too overwhelming? Try some shorter, sparer chamber music. In the video above, we give you…

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Is the iPhone Upgrade Program a Good Deal?


With iPhone preorders kicking off a few days ago—for the iPhone XS and XS Max, at least—you might have already plunked down a small fortune for a brand-new smartphone. You also probably took a look at your sad, older iPhone, who loves you very much and wishes you the very best life, and considered enrolling in Apple’s…

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Tell Us Your Singapore Travel Tips


After watching Crazy Rich Asians, what I want to do in Singapore is party on a cargo ship in international waters and buy an outfit that costs more than my home. What I do not want to do is wade through ankle-deep water in a church. But I can’t afford to do any of that. How about the crazy middle class, what can we do…

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How to Taste Gin Like a Pro


Gin is kind of having a moment right now. For distilleries, gin is a lot easier to get started with, simply because it doesn’t require barrel aging. If you’re a new distillery you can distill a gin and start selling it almost immediately, while a new whiskey distillery might have to wait a few years before it has a…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Анна Курникова

Курникова показала трогательные фото Энрике Иглесиаса

Актёра из сериала "Склифосовский" задержали в Москве с наркотиками в трусах

83 года назад, 22 июня 1941 года на территорию СССР напала нацистская Германия, началась Великая Отечественная война

Обыски проведены, готовится новый арест в "верхах"? Источники намекнули - в деле замешан "токсичный" чиновник

Экономист Глазьев: Путин готовит Россию к обвалу доллара и закату превосходства США