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Новости за 25.01.2019

How To Help Your Daughter Manage Her Period at School


I can still remember the day I got my first period. I was 12 and I was home from school on a cold day in January. Though I had been given books and “the talk” about the changes that were coming to my body, when I saw that splotch in my underwear, I genuinely thought I might be dying. Though I quickly realized what was…

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The 15 Best 'New Tab' Extensions for Google Chrome Fans


You wake up. You groggily pull up your laptop or sit in front of your desktop with your delicious coffee nearby. Once your system loads, you load up Google Chrome, and you think how nice it will feel to get rid of all of those open tabs someday. You open a new tab anyway and start your morning content ritual.

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If You're Lazy, Show Up Early to Work


Recently, the editorial staff of Lifehacker and our sister sites needed to congregate in the office at 10 a.m. sharp. The people announcing this thanked us for showing up “at such an ungodly hour.” I grinned and arrived, as I usually do, at 8:55ish. I’m regularly the first Lifehacker staffer in the office. Partly…

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How to Make Taco Bell Salt


If I’m craving real Mexican food, I do not go to Taco Bell. I go to Taco Bell when my raccoon brain demands it, which is often, so my packet drawer is quite full of their colorful little sauce packets. Sometimes I drizzle the FIRE! sauce on a non-Taco Bell item, but that feels a little weird, particularly when the mas…

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How to Sleep In When You Have Young Kids


Earlier this week, I offered suggestions for waking up kids who are not, er, morning people. As expected, I heard from a lot of you who, like me, have the opposite problem: Kids who are not only awake but fully energized for the day ahead. At ungodly hours of the morning.

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You Don't Have to Maximize Every Part of Your Day 


Many of us are fascinated by routine—whether it’s making fun of a celebrity’s, well, ambitious schedule, or curating ours to maximize our time, there’s an entire sub-section of media devoted to detailing how “successful” people organize their days (in fact, those routines partially inspired Lifehacker’s Wake Up Week).

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Don't Check Your Phone Until After Breakfast


What we do in the morning can establish our mood for the rest of the day, so a lot of our wake-up advice boils down to doing what you actually need and want to do. Which means it’s time to confront that little box that keeps interrupting you to tell you what to think. Your phone.

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How Can I Use a Fingerprint to Log into Websites?


As we round out wake-up week here at Lifehacker, I hope that you, like me, look forward to a generous pour of Tech 911 every Friday a.m. This week, we’re taking on a question that I’ve been curious about for some time—not that I’m never not curious about your questions, but this one is a topic that’s bounced around my…

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Deadspin Let’s All Calm Down About Tony Romo | The A.V.


Deadspin Let’s All Calm Down About Tony Romo | The A.V. Club Sorry, but those DNA tests you took are mostly bullshit | Jezebel Rewriting the ‘Fairy Tale’ Adoption Narrative | Very Smart Brothas I Don’t Know How We’re Going to Make It Through This Campaign Season Y’all | Splinter The Smearing of Nathan Phillips |

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How to Bake an Egg in Your Toaster Oven


There is something elegant and indulgent about a baked egg, topped with a pinch of cheese and sprinkling of fresh herbs. Shirred eggs—which is a fancy name for baked eggs—seem very special, but they can be cooked up in mere minutes in your toaster oven, making them a perfect easy breakfast for one (or two, if you are…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Касаткина вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Сеуле

Самые прекрасные уголки страны для осеннего отдыха – по версии россиян

Движение по М9 в Тверской области возобновлено

Ковальчук рассказал о плюсах от разрыва ЦЕРН сотрудничества с учеными из РФ

Холод придет резко и без стука: Роман Вильфанд назвал точные даты окончания летней погоды