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Новости за 08.05.2019

What 'Six Weeks Pregnant' Really Means


In the wake of a Georgia law banning abortions after five to six weeks of pregnancy, a few people—I’m not naming names—have shown that they have no idea how weeks are counted in pregnancy. Folks, on the day you have sex to make a baby, you are considered two weeks pregnant already. And you can’t possibly even know…

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Throw Out Old Canisters of PAM Immediately


Over half a dozen people are suing Conagra after sustaining injuries allegedly resulting from exploding cans of cooking spray. According to USA Today, the injuries are pretty serious—in addition to burns, one person was blinded in one eye. According to the Chicago Tribune, Conagra removed the can from “active…

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Where to Find the Best Deals on the New Pixel 3a and 3a XL


In the past, Pixel phones weren’t always the easiest to procure, especially at launch due to limited retailer support and notoriously short pre-order supplies. The newly announced Pixel 3a and 3a XL, however, are available from just about every major carrier and outlet in the US, and all of them are offering…

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Teach Your Teen That Networking Is Actually Important


Growing up, I’m not sure I ever heard the term “networking.” When I finally heard it in college, it sounded to me like a trendy buzzword that only a business major would use. It made me think of briefcases and fat rolodexes—definitely not anything that would be relevant to me. I was a music performance major and…

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Season Your Chicken Even More, You Coward


Besides the act of properly dicing an onion, few food things have been written about as much as the roasted chicken. The reasons for this are obvious—it’s a homey, comforting source of protein that can be riffed on before it goes in the oven, and repurposed for the entire week after. It’s pretty easy to make a good…

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I'm Comedian Gastor Almonte, and This Is How I Parent


Gastor Almonte is an East New York comedian. In Immigrant Made, his debut standup album, he tells stories about what it was like growing up in Brooklyn as the son of Dominican immigrants, how gentrification is affecting his neighborhood, and how parenthood has changed him. (On having to see Avengers on a Sunday at…

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Should You Switch Bank Accounts for the Rewards?


Signup bonuses are so common for new bank accounts that I can almost guarantee you got one the last time you opened a checking account. It’s typical to get a small cash reward for setting up direct deposit or putting a certain amount of cash in your account. But what about rewards usually reserved for credit cards,…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Набор в резерв сборных для участия в школьных олимпиадах объявили в Москве

Певец Авраам Руссо опознал мужчину, причастного к его похищению в 2004 году

Baza: замминистра туризма Нижегородской области Галкина погибла в ДТП

Специалисты администрации Можайска вакцинировались от гриппа