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Новости за 30.05.2019

Having Your ID Scanned at Bars Sucks For Your Privacy


We’ve all been there—maybe you’ve had a little too much to drink and a bouncer is questioning your balance as they scan your ID. Unfortunately, at least in some cities in the U.S., a simple interaction with a bouncer gone wrong can mean you’re booted from bars all over town; as first reported by OneZero, at least one…

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How to Live in Harmony with Your College Kid This Summer


The first summer I came home from college, I had plans to work, to reconnect with my high school friends and to enjoy the freedom of having zero papers to write. I felt older, wiser and much more independent than I had when I’d left; and yet, my parents still insisted that I adhere to my high school curfew (which, to…

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How to Prepare for a Big Race Without Losing Your Mind


The last few weeks before a marathon are a special kind of hell. For months, your top priority has been training consistently. Now, all of a sudden, your runs are getting shorter. Some of them drop off your calendar altogether. It’s new territory, both mentally and physically, and it’s totally normal to kind of freak…

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How to Get Excited About Cooking For Yourself


“Cooking for one” has an undeserved reputation as the saddest kind of cooking, but have you ever tried cooking for someone that hates tomatoes? No matter your relationship status, you have to eat, and a simple shift in how you view the activity can turn the act of self-preservation into something truly nourishing and…

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Work-Related Burnout Has a New Official Definition


Most of us have experienced a vague sense of feeling “burned out” by work, but now there’s a specific definition for what that actually means. The World Health Organization recently updated their International Classification of Disease codes (ICD-11) to define burnout as a syndrome with three dimensions.

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Can I Recycle My Old, Dusty Inhalers?


If you’re an asthma sufferer, you might have a stash of used inhalers lying around . You might also be unclear on how exactly to dispose of them—they contain medicine after all and are usually considered hazardous waste when thrown into landfills.

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Overcome Imposter Syndrome With a 'Brag File'


Some day I’ll leave my job at Lifehacker (fired for being too good), and as I apply for a new gig, I will need to assemble a portfolio and update my résumé. It won’t take long, because I’ve collected my best work as it came out. And whether or not your work is public, you should do the same. You’ll have a stronger…

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Read to Your Kids While They're in the Bathtub


There’s really no bad time or place to read to a child (okay, maybe while scuba diving or getting a root canal, but you know what I mean). Still, when my daughter was younger, one of the greatest story time setups involved sticking her in the bathtub, grabbing a stack of books and plopping myself on the covered toilet…

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