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Новости за 03.05.2023

10 Marvel Shows You Can Safely Watch With Your Kids


It never fails: A new comic book movie comes out, my 6-year-old begs to see it. And just when I think the time has finally arrived to share the fun and wonder of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with him, I remember that this is the same kid who found a cuddly guinea pig that appeared at the end of a recent animated…

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Your Productivity Needs More Breaks


While it makes logical sense that, if you want to get a lot done, you need to operate at a constant state of productivity, the opposite can actually be true. You can sense the need for a break when you hit that afternoon slump and can’t seem to push through the simplest of tasks, and science backs us up: Your brain…

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The Easiest Ways to Eat Cheap and Healthy on a Road Trip


Road trip season is approaching. Do you know what you’re going to eat? There’s nothing wrong with hopping in the car with a hope and a dream and an assumption that the fast food restaurants of the world will take care of you, of course. But if you’d like to keep your food budget low and eat more than just burgers and…

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Make a ‘Personal Podcast’ When You Study


Memory is a tricky thing. Scientists have figured out how many units of information you can store in your short-term memory (around seven, though there are great workarounds for remembering more than that), but if you really want to remember something, you have to go over it a bunch of times until it lodges deep in…

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The Best Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Is Made With Tofu


Surely you don’t have an anti-tofu bias, but if you do, you should knock it off and stop robbing yourself of possibilities and pleasure. I initially made this pie for two reasons: I wanted dessert, and I was increasing my protein intake. Think of this as a protein-forward pie if that gives you the strength to try a…

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Your Pixel's Alarm Clock Has a Weird but Fatal Flaw


Whomst among us still relies on a traditional alarm clock to wake up? It’s one more task smartphones have come to dominate in their brief tenure. But both options have their pros and cons: A (charged) smartphone will never fail on your because your power went out overnight. (The McCallister family would’ve enjoyed a…

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Put Some Plantain Chips in Your PB&J


“Put some potato chips in there” is a sandwich hack so timeworn, I’m hesitant to characterize it as anything more than generally accepted wisdom. What sandwich wouldn’t benefit from extra salt and texture? Who actually prefers a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without a hidden layer of fried potato (preferably the…

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The Best Way to Open a Pack of Sausages


I am a big fan of Aidells sausages, particularly the Chicken & Apple and Roasted Garlic & Gruyere Cheese varities. They’re filling, tasty, and can be popped in the air fryer for a few minutes until the skins are bursting with juicy flavor. But I rarely eat more than two a week, which is too bad, because once that…

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Can an App Really Improve Your Mobility?


I hate stretching, but I must admit that working on my mobility has helped me in the gym. For example, I love doing barbell snatches, but I used to have trouble catching them in a deep squat if my feet weren’t exactly just so. After some mobility work, I can now land my snatches as comfortably in a wide stance as in a…

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How to Cope With Misophonia


If there are certain sounds that trigger an extremely negative reaction in your, from rage or annoyance to disgust or even panic, you might have a condition called misophonia. The triggering sounds can vary from person to person, including slurping, swallowing, breathing, lip-smacking, sniffling, or even the clicking…

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You Should Plant a Moonlight Garden


On a recent visit to the Phoenix Art Museum, I kept noticing their garden. There was a long walkway of a variety of white flowers of various heights, and even in daylight, it glowed. When I finally walked outside to see it up close, I was overtaken by the fragrance of the flowers. I asked about the garden and was told…

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You Should Air Fry Mushrooms Without Oil, Actually


Owning an air fryer has increased my vegetable consumption by at least 60%. Instead of waiting for an entire conventional oven to preheat, or minding a hot pan, I simply toss whatever plant part I desire in some fat, season it, then toss it in my air fryer, which has usually been heated somewhere in between 375℉ and…

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