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Новости за 15.05.2023

Influencers Are Bad at Washing Produce


Across all of social media, I keep encountering a certain brand of annoying influencer behavior. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok—all are packed with videos that feature someone (usually a white woman) subjecting fruits and vegetables to an elaborate cleaning and repackaging process, supposedly immediately upon arriving…

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'Perfect' Posture Is Overrated


If you’ve been trying to improve your posture and you just can’t seem to do it, let me introduce you to what might be a surprising idea: the way you stand, or the way you sit in your chair at work or school, may not actually matter at all. Or at least not in the way you think it does.

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Why Not Make Savory Pancakes?


At their simplest, pancakes are relatively mild in flavor. Yet, somewhere down the line, this breakfast quick bread took a hard left to near dessert status. Pancake recipes vary, but most of them include one to three tablespoons of sugar per batch, and flavors that we associate with sweetness, like cinnamon, vanilla,…

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Why You Should Actually Study Multiple Topics at the Same Time


You might think that learning and mastering one concept at a time is the best way to practice and retain it—but there’s actually a better method. It’s time to stop learning bit by bit and work instead on learning concepts in a way that helps you relate them to other ideas, the way they work together in the real world. …

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Make AI Do the Hard Parts of Spreadsheets for You


Spreadsheets suck, am I right? Actually, I don’t know. In my line of work, I’ve thankfully avoided the need to use Excel or Google Sheets much. I do most of my writing in a CMS, not the cells of a spreadsheet. But I know many of you use spreadsheets, perhaps with varying levels of enthusiasm. Whether you enjoy working…

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How to Disarm a Love-Bomber


Dating is confusing even at the best of times. Factor in the machinations of a love bomber, and you’ll be left scratching your head for days analyzing their over-the-top behavior and professions of love.

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You Should Cure an Egg Yolk in Soy Sauce


If anything could get me to believe in a higher power (and the fact that they have a sense of humor), it’s the existence of eggs. They’re a perfect food (that we get from the butt region of a mostly flightless bird). The high-protein white, coupled with a luscious, vitamin-packed yolk makes it a versatile, nourishing…

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You Should Turn Video Dates Into Speed Dating


Video dating started as a necessity during the pandemic, but it’s quickly become a norm. Most dating apps now include audio messages, video messages, or even video calls on their platforms. It not only makes sense but also saves a lot of time, says Zachary Zane, author of Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto and sex expert…

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Go From 'Shy Girl Workouts' to Using the Whole Gym


Being intimidated at the gym is normal. So normal that the hashtag #shygirlworkout on TikTok has racked up over 370 million views to date. The videos aren’t just trendy but tap into the reality of the anxiety that many people—particularly women—experience while working out at the gym.

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Is Your Child a Changeling?


Modern parents are ill-prepared to deal with threats to their families from the fairy kingdom. Kobolds, elves, goblins, pixies, and other fey creatures have a long history of stealing human infants and replacing them with uafs (or oafs), creatures that look like babies, but which are actually sinister monsters with…

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Season Your Food Gently With Sea Salt Spray


Giant salt flakes are the cool kids of food pop culture. It makes sense, they make a great snacking salt, but they’ve managed to siphon away attention from the other, more subtle forms of sodium chloride. You don’t always have to flaunt your flakes. Sometimes big flakes are too aggressive, or a sprinkle of table salt…

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Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

Группа «Моральный кодекс» отпразднует 35-летие концертом в Москве

Более 26 тыс человек приняли участие в «БОКСЗАБЕГе» в Серпухове

Пытавшиеся прорваться в НИИ Склифосовского заявили, что не хотели увозить бойца ММА

Тендер на капремонт общежития колледжа объявили в Красногорске