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Новости за 03.05.2024

May Day (poem)


It's a couple of days late but here's to My Day and the celbration of our labors to be free. Gesundheit.

Israeli Nationalism, Zionism, Gaza, and the New International anti-Semitism


As my regular readers know (and some of my occasional readers will know it too), I have been writing on Israel, the Israeli Right, and the awful plight of the non-Israeli Palestinians on a regular basis for the past year or so. This column focuses on the multiple meanings of the word "Zionism," which are NOT always one and the same as the policy of the current government, which I describe as "Israeli Nationalist."

The Forgotten Element in Averting Nuclear Catastrophe


A popular movement against nuclear weapons has managed to avert nuclear catastrophe for many years. Nevertheless, with the decline of the movement, the menace of nuclear war has grown in recent decades. In these circumstances, the movement and the world would be well-served by restoring an element the movement earlier emphasized by later dropped: strengthening international security.

Discovering Power's Traps: a primer for electricity users


In magazines like Mother Jones and Sierra Club, environmentalists who aim to reduce harmful impacts to public health, wildlife habitats and climate systems propose "electrifying everything."----I don't get it.

Donald Trump's Empty Promises on Jobs


Although Donald Trump promised to be "the greatest jobs president that God ever created, the United States lost 2.7 million jobs during his presidency. It was the worst job-creation record of any U.S. president since 1939, when the U.S. government began compiling such employment statistics. Although Trump promised to revive manufacturing in the United States, 154,000 manufacturing jobs were lost while he was president.

The New York sex market is ready for change, are we?


Democracy and high technology make prostitution in New York an unattractive source of income. But more and more people are doing this business because they do not have worthy alternatives. For the first time in 150 years, morality and economics jointly justify the decriminalization of prostitution and the creation of new jobs for prostitutes.

Whither social justice and decent work for women?


Please consider the below article on May Day or International Workers' Day. The invisible labour at work or unpaid care work that is majorly done by women - without recognition, rights, or fair sharing with men, also puts them at higher risk of violence, and impedes gender inequality and human rights. The economic value of this unpaid care work is US$ 10.8 Trillion if it was to be paid at minimum wage.

Stand with China


Contrasts corporate capitalism with planned economies, shows why neither works, and analyzes the Chinese hybrid system as being the world's best hope.

Celebrating Second Chances


Nicole and I met as I crawled out of one of the darkest times in my life. This weekend we celebrate 16 years of a second chance at wedded bliss.

FTC's Noncompete Rule: A Poor Solution to a Self-Solving Problem


The existence of vengeful, authoritarian managers/owners is a terrible reason for letting a vengeful, authoritarian Federal Trade Commission seize even more control over how American businesses operate.----If you have a problem with a prospective employer's demand that you accept a noncompete clause, there's a simple solution: Don't accept the job.

Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Tomgram: Helen Benedict, Students on the Right Side of History


Helicopters have been throbbing overhead for days now. Nights, too. Police are swarming the streets of Broadway, many in riot gear. Police vans, some as big as a city bus, are lined up along side streets and Broadway[...]

A Poem About Censoring Dissent


OPEd Poem about Congress kowtowing to Israel and considering a bill initiated by another country that would quash dissent in the land of free expression.

Why It's Important to Shine the Light of Reason on the Bible


The theocrats of the religious right use the Christian Bible to win support for their efforts to turn the US into a Bible-based theocracy. If people objectively read the Bible, they would know it is not the Word of God and the religious right would lose support.

Спорт в России и мире

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