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Новости за 06.05.2024

Does Every Person in Israel Deserve to Die?


I fervently hope, dear reader, that you do not agree that every person in Israel deserves to die. But I know some of you do, and I hope to suggest a better way of looking at it. I know that you're even more unlikely to agree with me that nobody ever anywhere "deserves to die." But the closer you can get to agreeing with that, the better!

Links and key actions (message from Melbourne/Naam)


I and my wife are on a talking and book signing tour in Australia and New Zealand. There are so far sold-out events that we did in Perth (aboriginal name Boorloo), Adelaide (Tarntanya wama), Sydney (Gaadi), Woolongong, Brisbane. Now in Melbourne/Naam. In 20 days I spoke to over 3000 people at public events (and a rally with 10,000 people in Gaadi) and networked with others (like Rotarians)

Two-day-old Boy Shows Us the Importance of Reason


A two-day-old boy who died because his parents, who are people of faith and not of reason, withheld medical care from him is showing us the importance of reason over faith.

The Menace of Identity Theft: A Growing Concern


A recent event has brought attention to the widespread hazards that Americans who conduct online transactions face, serving as a sharp reminder of the growing threat of identity theft.

Putting Party Above Country


Republican Mike Garcia represents an area that voted for Biden, but his actions as a Congressman show loyalty to one person: Trump.

Jesus (Sort Of) Versus the Long Arm of Washington's Reichsfluchtsteuer


So far as I can tell, even the Third Reich didn't display anything like the sheer gall and temerity of the US regime, chasing down emigrants years later and extorting additional money from them. Hitler's goons limited themselves to things like pawing through emigrants' luggage and stealing their jewelry.

What the heck happened to sports?


I patched together this sports report mostly from social media because, if you haven't noticed, traditional -- to wit, newspaper and magazine -- sports reporting has been replaced by sports personalities with opinions "reporting" on TV.

Спорт в России и мире

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Надежда Гуськова

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом

Легкоатлет из Бурятии стал чемпионом России по эстафетному бегу

Бегун из Бурятии стал чемпионом России

Путин и Бердымухамедов условились продолжать укрепление партнерства

Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге