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Новости за 22.05.2024

History's Most Consequential Sudden Deaths

Real Clear World 

Gabriel Elefteriu, Brussels Signal

The unexpected demise of Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi, stoned to death with a mountain by the grace of a US-made helicopter, has opened up speculation as...

The China-Pakistan Axis

Real Clear World 

Sankalp Gurjar, Geopolitical Monitor

The China-Pakistan axis has existed since 1963 when both countries realized that they share a common objective of limiting India's influence.

New Delhi's Changing Worldview

Real Clear World 

Chietigj Bajpaee, War on the Rocks

In the early 1990s, India responded to the end of the Cold War with a new "Look East" policy, which it subsequently rebranded as "Act East" in 2014. Today,...

Behind Scenes of Israel-Saudi Deal

Real Clear World 

Jared Szuba, Al-Monitor

As the Biden administration touts a bilateral deal with Saudi Arabia linked to a historic normalization with Israel, Pentagon officials are working behind the scenes...

A Snap Election Is Rishi Sunak's Last Hope

Real Clear World 

John Oxley, UnHerd

Having been dogged by election speculation for several months, Rishi Sunak has finally given the country the announcement it has been waiting for. Addressing the nation...

Biden Is Losing World War III

Real Clear World 

Mark Toth and Jonathan Sweet, The Hill

President Joe Biden has become the James Buchanan of the 21st century.

U.S. Military Needs a Better China 'Messaging' Strategy

Real Clear World 

Justin Woodward, 1945

To enhance U.S. military messaging and avoid fostering anti-Asian discrimination, it is crucial to distinguish between the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Chinese...

Macron Is Facing a Perfect Storm

Real Clear World 

Victor Goury-Laffont, Politico EU

Over the past few weeks, teenager-on-teenager killings, drug-related shootings, a heightened terror threat and deadly protests in the overseas territory of...

We Germans Are Making Trump 'Thunderstorm' Plans

Real Clear World 

Anna Sauerbrey, CNN

It's 9.00 a.m. on a Sunday morning in early Spring, and we are waiting for the kids to come out onto the soccer field. Some of us are holding coffee cups. We have all...

Trump Would Be No Dark Age for Europe

Real Clear World 

Conrad Black, Brussels Signal

Those Europeans who for many years were accustomed to thinking of Americans as essentially similar in perspective to Europeans and as was often implied by...

Спорт в России и мире

Новости спорта

Новости тенниса

Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Никита Михалков рассказал об обмане свердловского депутата, ушедшего на СВО

Ковальчук указал на последствия для ЦЕРН из-за отказа от сотрудничества с РФ

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