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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 11.05.2020

FLASHBACK: Former AG and Deep State Hack Sally Yates Lied to Congress About Flynn, Russia and Logan Act in May 2017 — May Have Been Leaker

The Gateway Pundit 

In May 2017 Former Attorney General Sally Yates went before Congress and lied about General Michael Flynn being compromised by Russia. Yates knew General Michael Flynn was not compromised. She lied anyway. The Deep State was listening in on all of General Flynn’s conversations with foreign leaders which was his job. They knew Russia had…

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San Antonio City Council Unanimously Passes “COVID-19 Anti-Hate Resolution” Will Condemn Terms Like Kung Fu Flu and Chinese Virus — IT’S RACIST

The Gateway Pundit 

This was the pressing issue in San Antonio, Texas this past week. The city council passed a “COVID-19 Anti-Hate Resolution” that condemns terms like the Kung Fu Flu and Chinese virus. The coronavirus likely leaked from a Wuhan, China lab and then spread around the globe. This is just more proof of Democrat insanity. Via…

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USPS Claims There Was An ‘Error’ After Telling Woman Who Had Coronavirus That Police Said She Could No Longer Get Mail

The Gateway Pundit 

The United States Postal Service has issued an apology and claimed there was an “error” when they told a Texas woman that she could no longer receive mail due to testing positive for the coronavirus. Pamela Bilbo was informed that her postal service was “suspended” by a Post-It note left in her mailbox. Speaking to…

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New Video Shows Ahmaud Arbery Walking Into Home Under Construction Shortly Before Being Confronted by McMichaels

The Gateway Pundit 

For the last several days, the liberal media has been screeching over the story of a young black Georgian, Ahmaud Arbery, who was out ‘jogging’ when he was “hunted” and shot dead by two white, racist men. But now we know that was not entirely true. A few days ago, the Atlanta Journal Constitution released…

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Homeless Tents In San Francisco’s Tenderloin District Increase By 300%, Leaving Streets ‘Unsanitary, Unsafe, Impassable,’ Lawsuit Says

The Gateway Pundit 

San Francisco, one of the most liberal cities in the country, is turning into a cesspool. The city’s Tenderloin District has seen a 300% increase in the number of homeless tents since the coronavirus outbreak hit the U.S., according to a federal lawsuit filed by the community and a law school. The suit was filed…

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Liberal Daily Beast Rips Late-Night Hosts For Hypocrisy Over Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberals were all about #MeToo until one of their own faced allegations. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who has already been accused of fondling and molesting more than eight women over the years, faces credible accusations by a former Senate staffer that he sexually assaulted her in 1993. In a huge surprise (jk), the…

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DEVELOPING: Initial Flynn-Kislyak Leak Was to WaPo Reporter Adam Entous – Leak Came Directly From ‘Sources Who Saw a Transcript and Described it to Entous’

The Gateway Pundit 

General Mike Flynn It turns out the initial Flynn-Kislyak leak was not to WaPo reporter David Ignatius — it was to WaPo reporter Adam Entous. It was previously believed someone, perhaps the Pentagon’s Director of the Office of Net Assessment James Baker may have leaked Flynn’s calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to WaPo reporter…

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Should Be a Headline: German Autopsy Study Finds EVERY Coronavirus Victim had Previous Illness — All Had Cancer, Lung Disease, Were Heavy Smokers or Morbidly Obese

The Gateway Pundit 

The Gateway Pundit was first to report back on March 16, 2020, that the WHO was pushing a completely inaccurate coronavirus mortality rate to frighten the masses. The WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, estimated on March 3, 2020 that the coronavirus mortality rate was 3.4%  This was  a completely inaccurate number that caused a global…

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MSNBC Founder Admits That Biden’s Not ‘Ready For Prime Time Election Season,’ Even With ‘Softball’ Interviews

The Gateway Pundit 

MSNBC and CNBC founder Tom Rogers, who is currently the editor-at-large with Newsweek, believes that Joe Biden is not “ready for prime time election season,” and has been unable to articulate a winning message — even with all the “softball” interviews he’s been doing. Rogers recently penned a column titled “Words Matter. And Joe Biden…

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IT’S ON… Trump UNLOADS on Obama: “Obamagate Makes Watergate Look Small Time” and “Most Corrupt Administration in US History” #Obamagate

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week the DOJ dropped its case against General Michael Flynn after new evidence revealed the DOJ and Mueller team were withholding Brady evidence in the case. And on Thursday the DNI and House Intelligence Committee finally released the transcripts of 53 interviews during the Mueller investigation that revealed NOT ONE SINGLE Obama official had…

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EXCLUSIVE: Released Transcripts PROVE DOJ LIED IN ROGER STONE CASE – Had No Proof Russia Gave Emails to WikiLeaks

The Gateway Pundit 

Late last week transcripts were finally released from interviews under oath three years ago in front of Congress after lying Adam Schiff was pressured by the Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to release the documents. As we reported on Friday, the release of documents from the Intel Community that were held up by…

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President of Tanzania Didn’t Trust WHO So Sent Samples of Sheep, Goats, Bunny, Trees, Fruit and Car Oil for COVID Testing — The Results Are In

The Gateway Pundit 

The President of Tanzania John Magufuli did not trust the World Health Organization or their coronavirus testing. President Magufuli is also a chemist. So President Magufuli submitted several samples to the WHO for testing. President Magufuli: We took samples from goats. We sent samples from sheeps. We took samples from pawpaws. We sent samples from…

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Deep State Skunk Mary McCord Worked to Set Up Flynn then Joined Schiff’s Team in Trump Impeachment Hoax — Now She’s Whining That She’s Innocent Flower

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord was involved in setting up General Flynn in the White House days after the 2017 Inauguration.  Then she went to work for Adam Schiff and helped form the bogus impeachment stunt against President Trump earlier this year.  McCord is as crooked as they get. From an earlier post— The…

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UPDATE: This Video May Help the Mexican President – The Man Who Ordered the Insane ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Running Program Was Barack Obama

The Gateway Pundit 

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on the US to apologize if it is confirmed US agents carried out the botched Fast and Furious gun running program during the Obama years. Obrador demanded the US clarify or apologize for the Obama era gun-running program. Fast and Furious guns were discovered at El Chapo’s hideout…

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EXCLUSIVE: Former Obama AG Eric Holder Provided Israeli Company AnyVision Clean Audit Despite Having Evidence to the Contrary

The Gateway Pundit 

Obama’s former Attorney General, Eric Holder, performed an audit of an Israeli Company, AnyVision, in late 2019 and early 2020.  Holder and his team claimed there was no evidence AnyVision had violated its facial recognition pledge.  The Gateway Pundit has obtained evidence that Holder’s team had evidence indicating this was not the case. On November…

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GOP House Candidate Once Lobbied For Leftist Dark Money Group

The Gateway Pundit 

Florida congressional candidate Amanda Makki is saying and doing all the right things in her race to unseat republican-turned-leftist Charlie Crist. Makki has raised more money than anyone else in the primary, gone on all the right shows, says the right things on her Facebook page, and has plenty of photos of her hamming it up…

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FLASHBACK: General Flynn and His Business Partner Targeted by Mueller and Obama’s Deep State for Reporting Obama and Clinton’s Ties to Islamic Terrorist in Pennsylvania

The Gateway Pundit 

On July 24, 2019 We published the following post regarding General Flynn.  We thought it was worth republishing today. General Flynn and his business partner and son were targeted by the Obama Deep State for outing the former President and the Clintons in aiding and abetting an Islamic terrorist in Pennsylvania. The Flynns and America…

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President Trump Calls for Chuck Todd to Be Fired After Meet the Press Airs Deceptive Video of AG Barr

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump called for NBC to fire Meet the Press host Chuck Todd Sunday night after Todd used a deceptively edited video clip of Attorney General William Barr to smear Barr about his decision to drop the Justice Department case against former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.). Trump copied…

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Ignored by National Media: 29-Year-Old Black Man Guns Down Married Couple in Their 80s in Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery

The Gateway Pundit 

For some reason the national mainstream media did not play up the color of the shooter, nor of the victims, in this horrific double murder. Weird, huh? It’s almost like the national mainstream media purposely lies to the American public? Strange. 29-year-old Sheldon Francis gunned down a married couple in their 80s on Friday in…

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Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell Says Conspiracy to Entrap General Flynn Goes All the Way to the Top to Barack Obama (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell on Sunday said Barack Obama was involved in the conspiracy to entrap Flynn. Powell told “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo that former DNI James Clapper briefed Barack Obama on the transcripts of the December 2016 Flynn-Kislyak phone calls. The Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn Thursday…

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Single Mother Arrested and Cuffed in de Blasio’s New York City for Protesting the Lockdown (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A single mother was arrested in New York City on Friday for protesting against Mayor Bill de Blasio’s endless lockdown. The police arrested nine individuals for exercising their constitutional right to protest a tyrannical government. Via Michael Gee. #nyc ⁦@NYGovCuomo⁩ orders prohibited protesting, lock them up. #nypd arrested peaceful protestors 5/9/20 at City Hall. There…

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NY Officials Remove Order to Re-admit Coronavirus Patients Back into Nursing Homes from State Website after 4,900 Nursing Home Deaths

The Gateway Pundit 

At least 4,900 seniors have died in New York State nursing homes from the coronavirus so far this year. Around 20 percent of all New York state deaths were in nursing homes. Recently Republican Chele Farley called on Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate this state policy that lead to so many deaths in New…

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