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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 24.05.2020

New York State Makes it a Felony For Law Enforcement to Share DMV Info With DHS or ICE

The Gateway Pundit 

As people have been distracted with the coronavirus shutdown, Governor Andrew Cuomo quietly passed the 2020 budget which contained an amendment that makes it a felony for law enforcement to share DMV information with the Department of Homeland Security or Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The Green Light Law has essentially criminalized police work. According to…

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NY Times Front Page Includes List of Coronavirus Victims – Remember when Reading: 2 of 5 are in NY and NJ and 2 of 5 Are from Nursing Homes

The Gateway Pundit 

The Sunday New York Times used the front page to list hundreds of names of victims of the coronavirus. The US is nearing the grim milestone of 100,000 coronavirus deaths since the pandemic reached out shores in January. Thank God for President Trump or this number would likely be at least 4 times that amount.…

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Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Trump that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits

The Gateway Pundit 

America needs better “experts.” The current crop of experts caused an economic catastrophe based on their crap predictions using clearly ridiculous models. ** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY. ** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million…

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Deep State FBI Asked George Papadopoulos’s Wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, to Spy On Her Husband and Wear a Wire!

The Gateway Pundit 

Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos was a young, intelligent and beautiful Italian woman when she met George Papadopoulos in 2016.  Her life was soon turned upside down.  One item to date has gone unreported until today – the Deep State FBI asked young Ms. Mangiante to spy on her husband. And now we know after contacting Simona…

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‘CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME?’ Andrew Yang Asked About Biden’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ Comment, Smiles Wanly, Doesn’t Answer

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats really don’t want to talk about Joe Biden telling a black radio host that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” The story will, as usual, disappear as quickly as it emerged. But that may not be fast enough for Andrew Yang. The California…

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THE COST OF QUARANTINE: ‘We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks,’ California Doc Says

The Gateway Pundit 

Trauma doctors at a northern California medical center say the hospital has seen a huge spike in suicide attempts amid the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdowns. Dr. Mike deBoisblanc, head of the trauma at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek near San Francisco, said the loss of more than 37 million jobs across the country amid…

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THEY DID IT AGAIN! CBS Caught Using Photo from Ukraine in 2016 in Their ‘Panic Porn’ on Coronavirus in Children

The Gateway Pundit 

In April CBS News was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York City. Emergency Room Footage on CBS Matched Footage from Italian Hospital! CBS wanted the pandemic to look as horrible as possible so they used Italian footage to describe New York City at the time. This weekend they…

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“Jeff Benedict Arnold Sessions” Was Historic US Traitor – ‘Stealth Jeff’ Should Drop From the Alabama Senate Race Now

The Gateway Pundit 

We wrote this in November 2017 during the Mueller Trump-Russia collusion investigation:  AG Sessions Must Decide – Create Special Investigations Into Uranium One or Go Down in History as a Modern Day Benedict Arnold! Now we know – Sessions chose the latter! In our November 2017 post at The Gateway Pundit we wrote: Benedict Arnold…

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Coronavirus Could Disappear In U.S. By November 11, New Model Says

The Gateway Pundit 

The coronavirus that swept across the U.S. in the past several months, peaking in mid-April before starting its predicted slide, could be over as early as mid-November, new modeling shows. Researchers at Singapore University of Technology and Design have designed a complex model “predicting the exact date the pandemic will end” in countries around the…

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EXCLUSIVE: Mueller Crook Andrew Weissman Was Behind Documents Illegally Released to the Press Before Roger Stone Was Even Indicted

The Gateway Pundit 

In February 2019 we obtained documents providing evidence that the Mueller Special Counsel leaked information to CNN ahead of the arrest of Roger Stone.  Stone’s arrest was carried exclusively by CNN. We now know that the Mueller gang’s top corrupt attorney and pitbull, Andrew Weissmann, was behind documents illegally released to the press before Stone…

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“What These Sons of Bitches Want Is Our Freedom!” – Leaked Jair Bolsonaro Speech Goes Viral and It’s MAGNIFICENT! (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Eduardo Bolsonaro, an attorney, politician and third son of Jair Bolsonaro, tweeted out a monster video of his father on Saturday. According to Eduardo, on Friday the Brazilian Supreme Court issued an order to expose one of President Bolsonaro’s private meetings with his staff. This is what President Bolsonaro says privately. This video rant is…

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Oregon Sec. Of State Blames Voters For Growing Ballot Scandal, Staffer Mocks Affected GOP Voters – Calls Them Drunks

The Gateway Pundit 

What do you suppose is more likely: A computer glitch or nefarious state employee changing thousands of voters’ party affiliation?  Or did 2000+ Oregon voters chang their voter registration while drunk and then they all forgot they had switched parties? This is all part of the ballot scandal brewing in Oregon that we’ve been reporting…

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“Believe All Women… Unless They Are Attacking Joe Biden” – Ami Horowitz in the East Village (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz was back in the East Village earlier this month. “Believe all women” has been the mantra of the left since the #MeToo movement took off in 2017. The movement is reportedly against sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women. Ami went to the East Village to interview women on the #MeToo movement…

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Trump Drags Scarborough Again Over Death of Intern in Office

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump dragged MSNBC host Joe Scarborough again Saturday night over the July 19, 2001 death of 28-year-old Lori Klausutis who was found dead in the then Florida congressman’s district office. Her mysterious death came a few months after Scarborough’s surprise announcement in May he was resigning from Congress to spend more time with his…

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Another Dr. Fauci Lie Debunked – “Mysterious Inflammatory Condition” in Children Is Typical Every Year in 13 of 100,000 Children in Study

The Gateway Pundit 

It should be clear at this point that NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci has been completely inaccurate with his predictions and extremely dangerous. This one man was able to crush the greatest economy in world history — something our foreign enemies would envy. Dr. Fauci made several mistakes during this pandemic the greatest being his…

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Mayor Tells Trump Not to Come to Baltimore for Memorial Day; GOP MD Gov to Snub President’s Visit to Fort McHenry

The Gateway Pundit 

Baltimore Mayor Jack Young (Democrat) told President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump not to come to Baltimore Monday for a Memorial Day visit to Fort McHenry, calling the trip “non-essential travel” to a city still under stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. Fort McHenry, site of War of 1812 battle…

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Hungarian Politician: Facebook Appoints “Soros Oversight Board” to Police Acceptable Online Speech in America

The Gateway Pundit 

There are no conservatives or Trump supporters on the Facebook Oversight Board. But there are numerous Trump haters and even a Muslim Brotherhood figure on the board. Facebook announced its elite Oversight Board Members last Wednesday. The Oversight Board will determine what is true and untrue and what will and will not be allowed on…

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President Trump Tells Sharyl Attkisson in Interview to Air Sunday: “I have a chance to break the deep state”

The Gateway Pundit 

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson and President Donald Trump have something in common: They were both illegally spied on by the Obama administration and nearly had their careers destroyed as a result. Sunday morning an interview of Trump by Attkisson for her Full Measure news program will air on stations around the country and will also be…

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Former Congressman Allen West Hospitalized After Motorcycle Accident

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Florida Republican Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.) was injured in a motorcycle accident Saturday afternoon and was taken by helicopter to a Texas hospital where he is in “stable condition and undergoing assessment” according to a statement posted to his Twitter account. The 59-year-old Iraq war veteran West was reportedly cut off by…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Defies President Trump as “Foolish” After Announcement to Reopen Churches

The Gateway Pundit 

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashed out at President Trump on Friday as “foolish” after he deemed all churches and synagogues and places of worship as “essential.” Lightfoot says President Trump has no power to override her local lockdown on churches and businesses. Chicago police fined three churches last weekend for holding worship services. South Side…

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Return to Normalcy: President Trump Plays Golf for First Time Since Coronavirus Lockdowns Began

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump left the White House and hit the links this Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, playing golf for the first time since March 8–right before the coronavirus lockdowns began. Trump played at his Trump National Golf Club located in nearby Potomac Falls in Sterling, Loudoun County, Virginia. Trump’s outing for fresh air, sunshine, exercise…

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Trump Calls on Sessions to Drop Out of Senate Race

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump called on his former attorney general and current Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Sessions to drop out of the race Saturday, saying,”You had your chance and you blew it…You had no courage, & ruined many lives.” Sessions is running in the Republican primary against the Trump-endorsed Tommy Tuberville to reclaim his old seat…

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Gov. ‘Blackface’ Northam Locks Down State Until June – Then Spotted at Virginia Beach Without Mask, No Social Distancing and Crowd of 20

The Gateway Pundit 

In March Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued stay-at-home orders for state residents, which prohibited anyone from leaving home except for trips deemed “essential,” such as getting food or seeking medical assistance. The order also banned gatherings of more than 10 people. The order “shall remain in full force and in effect until June 10, 2020,…

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Judge Emmett Sullivan Hires High-Powered DC Attorney to Fight Flynn Mandamus Case in Appeals Court

The Gateway Pundit 

D.C. federal Judge Emmett Sullivan has hired Beth Wilkinson, a high-powered attorney from the D.C. establishment, to represent him in the Court of Appeals case seeking a writ of mandamus filed by Sidney Powell, the attorney for former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen Michael Flynn (Army Ret.). Powell is seeking to have the appeals…

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