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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 30.05.2020

ANGRY LEFTIST PROTESTER Punches Brooklyn Police Sergeant with Brass Knuckles — Mob Hurls Garbage and Bottles at Police

The Gateway Pundit 

Protesters attacked police in Brooklyn on Friday night during a mass protest in New York City. One protester slugged a Brooklyn police officer with brass knuckles. The protesters threw garbage and bottles at police. The New York Post reported: Anti-cop rage over the police-custody death of George Floyd boiled over in New York City on…

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Shock Video: CNN Reporter Shot With BB Pellet, Protesters Throw Smoke, Flashbang Grenades Through Smashed Glass Door at Police Trapped in CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Nick Valencia reported live from the second floor lobby of the CNN world headquarters building in Atlanta Friday night as violent protesters forced police to retreat inside the ground floor entrance. Valencia said he was shot with a BB pellet by protesters. Large glass doors were smashed. During the live report, protesters tried to…

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BREAKING: LEFTIST MOB RIOTS – WHITE HOUSE in Lockdown — Liberal Mob Spraypaints “F**k Trump” On Walls

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump White House is in lockdown tonight. Leftists are rioting in Atlanta, Minnesota, Brooklyn and outside the White House in Washington DC. White House reportedly under lockdown after D.C. protesters briefly clash with Secret Service https://t.co/3bBQQUnEgV — The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 30, 2020 This was crazy. Flashpoint at the White House. A protester…

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REVOLT! CNN Whips Leftists into a Frenzy — Then Leftists Congregate Outside CNN Headquarters in Atlanta, Vandalize CNN Logo, Break Windows!! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This wasn’t supposed to happen! CNN whipped leftists into a frenzy all week over the horrible death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Now the leftists are outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta! Many are defacing or vandalizing the CNN headquarters! They created this monster — they didn’t expect it to turn on them! CNN HQ in…

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WTH? MN County Medical Examiner Finds “No Physical Findings that Support a Diagnosis of Traumatic Asphyxia or Strangulation” in George Floyd Death

The Gateway Pundit 

This does not make sense. No one was expecting this. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner found – “No physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation” in the death of George Floyd on Monday. Floyd begged for mercy and repeatedly complained he couldn’t breathe when Police Officer Derek Chauvin was kneeling on…

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“There are No Words Sufficient to Convey Our Disgust and Disdain” – Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell Releases Statement on Flynn Transcripts

The Gateway Pundit 

DNI John Ratcliffe released the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts on Friday afternoon. Ratcliffe sent the transcripts to Senators Grassley, Ron Johnson. The transcripts were copied to Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein and Mark Warner and Marco Rubio, Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released the transcripts on Friday afternoon. Here are the full Flynn Kislyak…

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MORE on Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts: ONLY KISLYAK Brought Up Sanctions on Russia — NOT FLYNN — Shows Flynn Was Set Up

The Gateway Pundit 

DNI John Ratcliffe released the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts on Friday afternoon. Ratcliffe sent the transcripts to Senators Grassley, Ron Johnson. The transcripts were copied to Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein and Mark Warner and Marco Rubio, Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released the transcripts on Friday afternoon. Here are the full Flynn Kislyak…

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BREAKING: Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts + Summaries Released – Shows NO Misconduct, Further Confirms Obama Cabal Railroaded Him!

The Gateway Pundit 

DNI John Ratcliffe released the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts to Senators Grassley and Johnson on Friday afternoon. CBS reporter Catherine Herridge obtained transcripts and summaries of the Flynn-Kislyak calls with redactions. The transcripts and summaries show no misconduct — in fact, General Flynn worked to deescalate tensions. Kislyak brought up Russia sanctions first a couple times —…

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Twitter Employee ‘Glorified Violence’ By Publicly Calling for President Trump to ‘Die in a Fire’

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter employee Erik Froese publicly called for President Donald Trump to “die in a fire” in 2017, something that should violate Twitter’s own policy against “glorifying violence.” The tweet has resurfaced after Twitter censored a tweet from the president saying that he violated their terms of service by “glorifying violence.” I do believe this is…

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