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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 15.12.2020

Dominion CEO John Poulos Says Dominion Not Linked to SolarWinds Orion – Denies that Votes were Sent Off-Site to be Manipulated (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In a huge development on Monday morning, Michigan Judge Elsenheiemer gave Attorney Matthew DePerno permission to release the results of his forensic study on the Dominion Voting Machines by IT experts with the provision that he make a few redactions, which DePerno claims were “minor.” DePerno said the redactions were “not relevant,” and that the…

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WATCH: Pro-Trump Australian MP Releases Plea for Julian Assange to Be Pardoned, Says Only Trump Can Protect Free Speech From the Democrats

The Gateway Pundit 

Australian Member of Parliament George Christensen, a fierce and loyal defender of President Donald Trump, has launched a petition for Julian Assange to be pardoned. Christensen also released a video appeal addressing the president, and urging him to protect freedom of speech from the Democrats seeking to destroy it. Assange, an Australian citizen, is currently…

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Joe Biden Admits He Has a “Bit of a Cold” After Coughing Nonstop During His Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

78-year-old Joe Biden coughed his way through a press conference where he prematurely declared victory on Monday evening. Biden was coughing nonstop as he delivered his speech. Everyone noticed and many people thought he may have Covid. After coughing and clearing his throat dozens of times, Biden wrapped up his short speech and shuffled away…

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Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County

The Gateway Pundit 

Arizona is doing what all states should be doing after yesterday’s shocking report was released of the Dominion voting systems used in Antrim County Michigan.  Arizona is issuing subpoenas and is going to complete a forensic audit in their state of the 2020 election results for President. Yesterday the results were released from a forensic…

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LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos Testifies Before Michigan State Oversight Committee – 1:00 PM ET

The Gateway Pundit 

In a huge development on Monday morning, Michigan Judge Elsenheiemer gave Attorney Matthew DePerno permission to release the results of his forensic study on the Dominion Voting Machines by IT experts with the provision that he make a few redactions, which DePerno claims were “minor.” DePerno said the redactions were “not relevant,” and that the…

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“Are You Going to Pay My Rent?!” SoCal Restaurant Owner Argues with Brown Shirt ‘Health Inspectors’ Issuing Him Citation For Staying Open (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A California restaurant owner fed up with Newsom’s war on small businesses decided to fight back after brown shirt health inspectors harassed him and cited him for the ‘crime’ of staying open. Anton Van Happen, owner of “Nick the Greek” in Ventura, California was cited by health inspectors because he put tables and chairs outside…

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Mitch McConnell Congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden on Senate Floor Despite Voting Irregularities and Fraud – His Wife Is Famous for Her Business Deals with China

The Gateway Pundit 

Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) congratulated President-Elect Joe Biden on the US Senate floor on Tuesday. McConnell has never been a huge supporter of President Trump or his grassroots supporters.  But he has been benefitted from President Trump’s popularity like every Republican in office today. Senator Mitch McConnell:  “The Electoral College has spoken … Today,…

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Dominion Voting Machines Are Trying to Hide Their Relationship with SolarWinds – Why’s That?

The Gateway Pundit 

Dominion is trying to hide their relationship with SolarWinds. We reported yesterday that late Sunday night the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a rare Emergency Directive 21-01, in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. HUGE UPDATE: Dominion Voting Systems Uses SolarWinds — Same Company CISA in Rare Warning Reported Was…

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IT WAS SYSTEMIC-PURPOSEFUL FRAUD: Clark County Nevada Dominion Machines ALSO Kicked out “About 70% of Ballots” – It Was in the Settings!

The Gateway Pundit 

In a huge development on Monday morning, Michigan Judge Elsenheiemer gave Attorney Matthew DePerno permission to release the results of his forensic study on the Dominion Voting Machines by IT experts with the provision that he make a few redactions, which DePerno claims were “minor.” DePerno said the redactions were “not relevant,” and that the…

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Oregon’s New Secretary Of State (Democrat) CAUGHT Hosting Birthday Gathering In Defiance Of Governor’s Covid Orders

The Gateway Pundit 

In the latest episode of the Laws For Thee, But Not For Me files, we see Oregon’s incoming Secretary Of State, Shemia Fagan (democrat, of course), hosting a gathering of about 12 people, many of them, including Fagan herself, not wearing masks. This is in direct violation of Governor Kate Brown’s Covid restriction orders. You…

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Texas Electors Place Their Votes for President Trump and Then Vote to Condemn Supreme Court for Throwing Out Texas Lawsuit

The Gateway Pundit 

Texas shows its stuff. Texas delegates for the 2020 election voted yesterday for President Trump then they approved a resolution to condemn the lack of action by the Supreme Court for throwing out the recent Texas lawsuit: TX presidential electors cast all 38 votes for Trump & Pence… they also voted to “condemn” SCOTUS tossing…

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“This Election Is the Climax of the Battle Between Freedom and Communism, Between Good and Evil” – Lin Wood Claims President Trump Is Going to Clean Things Up

The Gateway Pundit 

Be not afraid – President Trump is going to clean things up. Lin Wood shared that President Trump is going to clean up the swamp and address the massive corruption coming into our country from China: America is in dire need of a good housecleaning. Way too much corruption & greed. @realDonaldTrump is going to…

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James Woods Nails It With Meme of Joe Biden and China’s Chairman Xi – The Responses Are Priceless

The Gateway Pundit 

Actor James Woods on Twitter hit another one out of the park. Today’s tweet concerns Joe Biden and his relationship with China: Dim sum and dimwit… pic.twitter.com/bRFQ8PN4GR — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 14, 2020 The first response was priceless: pic.twitter.com/jkOBmUmCle — Otto Huang  (@OttoHuang120) December 15, 2020 Is Biden Xi’x pet? pic.twitter.com/zrQL0vtIsz — Flyin…

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Marxists NEVER Rest: Leftist Attorneys Demand Ken Paxton and the 18 Attorneys General who Supported Texas Case be Disciplined

The Gateway Pundit 

They stole the election. Gave it to a dementia patient in his basement. Then they lie about it and mock you for questioning their in-your-face and on-camera election fraud. And now when you question their fraudulent election that was stolen from the people — They want you punished. We are up against evil. And later…

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To No One’s Surprise – Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Is A Product of a George Soros Secretary of State Program from 2010

The Gateway Pundit 

To no one’s surprise, Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was backed for her current position by a George Soros connected entity.  Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, has a storied history of corruption.  We first heard of her when she misprinted military ballots and removed President Trump from the ballots in the 2020 election. …

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The New Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen Recently Wrote an Essay on Foreign Influence in US Elections – This Tells Us A Little About His Knowledge of What’s Going On Today

The Gateway Pundit 

Jeff Rosen may be the right man for the times.  We can only hope. Today President Trump announced that Attorney General Bill Barr would be resigning before Christmas and Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen would be taking over: …Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, an outstanding person, will become Acting Attorney General. Highly respected Richard Donoghue…

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Obama Trolls President Trump Over “Birther” Issue: ‘I Was Able to Get Away with’ Not Being Born in the US (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama trolled President Trump over the “birther” issue during an appearance on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah on Monday evening. Back in 2007 Hillary Clinton and her campaign circulated a memo promoting Barack Obama’s “lack of American roots” and reportedly began the “birther controversy.” “[Barack Obama’s] roots to American values and culture are…

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Новости России

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Joe Biden Delivers Remarks Following States’ Electoral College Vote Day — Gets 4,000 Views on CSPAN Page …But Joe Got 80 Million Votes!

The Gateway Pundit 

This is getting predictable. It should have been a great day for the “most popular Democrat in world history” after the 50 states put forth their electoral college vote today. But only 4,000 watched his big speech on CSPAN tonight. But Sleepy Joe The comments are LIT! And there are already 683 comments – nearly…

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Joe Biden Snaps Back at Reporter Shouting Questions About Hunter Biden – Then Shuffles Away (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

78-year-old Joe Biden coughed his way through a press conference where he prematurely declared victory on Monday evening. After coughing and clearing his throat dozens of times, Biden wrapped up his short speech and walked away from the lectern. Jill Biden came out and the two had a very awkward embrace before a reporter started…

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BREAKING REPORT: SolarWinds HQ Raided in Austin — More News Coming on CEO and Executive Vice President (Update)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last night the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a rare Emergency Directive 21-01, in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. This was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under the authorities granted by Congress in the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. CISA reported a breach of the SolarWinds Orion…

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UH OH: Joe Biden Coughs His Way Through Press Conference (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden coughed his way through a press conference where he prematurely declared victory on Monday evening. Biden seemed to struggle to get through the beginning of his speech, repeatedly coughing and clearing his throat. How many times did Joe clear his throat? pic.twitter.com/SWHBhO6jAz — Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 15, 2020 The coughing got progressively worse…

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EXCLUSIVE: Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden – Here’s What It Means

The Gateway Pundit 

As the day comes to a close, seven states convened and picked a slate of electors for President Donald Trump as well as Joe Biden.  Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico all selected a slate of electors for President Trump as well as Joe Biden. Georgia and Pennsylvania were the first states…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Озвучены позиции казахстанских теннисистов в мировом рейтинге ATP

Полиция раскрыла обстоятельства исчезновения двух пенсионеров в пригороде Геленджика

Оксана Федорова представила Всероссийский фестиваль «Моя Россия: Музыкальное путешествие»

Ликсутов: Рублёво-Архангельская линия метро создаст новые связи на северо-западе Москвы