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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 23.12.2020

JUST IN: President Trump Vetoes $740 Billion Defense Bill

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Wednesday vetoed the $740 billion defense bill. The National Defense Authorization Act passed both houses of Congress with veto proof supermajorities. This comes as no surprise because President Trump last week said he would veto the bill because it would not allow for removal of our military from other countries. I will…

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Joe Biden: “Public Colleges and Universities Are Going to be Tuition-Free For Families Earning Less Than $125,000” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

78-year-old Joe Biden on Wednesday announced his ‘nominee’ for Secretary of Education. As usual, virtually no one watched Joe Biden’s press conference on Wednesday but we’re supposed to believe he got 81 million votes. Biden unveiled his plans to make most college degrees absolutely worthless. Joe Biden said, “Public colleges and universities are going to…

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Goya CEO: If We Shut Down This Economy, It’s The “Beginning Of The End”

The Gateway Pundit 

Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue joined Maria Bartiromo to talk about government shutdowns’ impact on the economy. Goya CEO: States shutting down economies is ‘beginning of the end’ https://t.co/GeYAyVZKK8 @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness || On Parler @Mariabartiromotv — Maria Bartiromo (@MariaBartiromo) December 23, 2020 Goya CEO Bob Unanue from the video: “If we shut down this economy?…

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Socialist Calls Into Hannity Radio Show and Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, “We Don’t Want to Unite with You, We Want to Destroy Every Last One of You” (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Hannity guest host Rose Unplugged A Socialist called into Sean Hannity’s radio show this week and said the quiet part out loud. The Socialist caller, David, told Hannity’s guest host ‘Rose Unplugged’ that conservatives will never win another election again because the left “has the machines and has the courts.” “We don’t want to unite…

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“They Don’t Want Results To Get Out”- Trump Blasts “Slow Walking” Of Georgia’s Signature Verification

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump is exposing the “slow walking” of Georgia’s signature verification. They don’t want the results out before January 6th. They are slow walking the signature verification in Georgia. They don’t want results to get out prior to January 6th. They know what they are trying so hard to hide. Terrible people! @BrianKempGA — Donald…

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WTH? Twitter Says OANN Report of Gateway Pundit Investigation is Disputed – How Could This Be When We Are the Only Ones Who Wrote About It?

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday night President Trump tweeted a Gateway Pundit video where we identified Georgia ballot workers jamming ballots into tabulators multiple times late on election night. President Trump retweeted our video where we revealed Georgia poll workers jamming multiple ballots through tabulators multiple times. The video aired on OAN: pic.twitter.com/WtIQLiq65y — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)…

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Fox News Failing — Newsmax: “We’ll Probably Overtake Them In The Next Six Months”

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News betrayed conservatives and continues a downward spiral. One America News and Newsmax have filled the gap. Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy predicts they will soon overtake Fox News in total audience. Newsweek: Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy has a bold prediction about his rivalry with Fox News https://t.co/HWLgt4jv9T pic.twitter.com/6BhhoDp5Mo — Newsmax (@newsmax) December 23, 2020…

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Liberal Democrats Support Trump’s Plan To Increase Payments To $2,000

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump will veto Democrats’ COVID relief bill. Democrats’ bill has billions of wasteful spending — it only gave Americans $600. In his speech, President Trump demanded $2,000 for hard-working Americans. pic.twitter.com/v9Rdjz6DNu — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020 JUST IN: President @realDonaldTrump says the coronavirus relief bill is a “DISGRACE” with a lot…

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LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Georgia House Of Representatives Holds Hearing On Election Fraud

The Gateway Pundit 

The Georgia House Of Representatives is holding a hearing on election fraud in the 2020 election. The committee likely is going to consider whether or not Georgia’s presidential election results should be decertified. Here is the live RSBN feed: The Election Wizard is live-tweeting the hearing here. The Gateway Pundit previously reported on a report…

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Has the FBI Spoken with Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones Yet? And If Not, Why in the Hell Do we Have an FBI?

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday night President Trump tweeted out an OANN report on a Gateway Pundit investigation of the Atlanta suitcase voter fraud scandal. The Gateway Pundit was first to identify Ruby Freeman, her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, and their boss Ralph Jones, Sr. in the infamous suitcase ballot hoist. We later reported on Ruby Freeman running…

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Anti-Trump Georgia Election Official Catches Woman Trying To Vote Illegally Using His Home Address

The Gateway Pundit 

Georgia Elections official Gabriel Sterling has attacked Trump and Republicans for claiming the November Georgia election was fraudulent. Now this: Sterling filed an official challenge stating that a woman has tried to vote illegally from his home address. The woman I bought my home from over 2 yrs ago trying to vote from it absentee…

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President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump tweeted a Gateway Pundit video where we identified Georgia ballot workers jamming ballots into tabulators multiple times late on election night. President Trump just now retweeted our video where we show Georgia poll workers jamming multiple ballots through tabulators multiple times.  The video aired on OAN: pic.twitter.com/WtIQLiq65y — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December…

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Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

The Gateway Pundit 

Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense thanks Vice President Mike Pence for his efforts with complex military operation? Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense, Chris Miller shared this: I just want to personally thank you.  We’ve been through some stuff.  We’ve gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has…

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EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Think Tank’s Star Lawsuit Witness Admits to Tommy Robinson That They Bribed Him For Testimony Against US Congressional Staffer

The Gateway Pundit 

Salacious hit pieces splashed across the internet on Tuesday evening against a US Congressional staffer who previously helped the Tommy Robinson campaign. The tabloid style articles from the UK’s Daily Mail and The Times claim that US congressional staffer Lisa Barbounis misappropriated funds from her former employer, the Middle East Forum, while she was assisting…

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Shocking Bodycam Footage of Police Responding to Altercation Between Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock and His Wife Released (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusively obtained shocking bodycam footage of police responding to an altercation between Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife. The Georgia twin senate runoff is two weeks away and the public is just now seeing this bodycam footage from March of this year. Warnock’s wife is seen…

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Assange’s Fiancé: ‘If I Could Speak to the President, I Would Tell Him Julian’s Liberty and the Liberty of the United States Hang Together’

The Gateway Pundit 

In a moving and heartfelt interview with Revolver News, Julian Assange’s fiancé explained that “Julian’s liberty and the liberty of the United States hang together.” During the interview, Stella Moris, the mother of Assange’s two young children, explained what she would say to President Trump, if she was given the opportunity to speak to him…

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Will Vice President Pence Tomorrow Step In and Throw Out State Electoral College Picks That Are Based on Fraudulent Results and Ask the State Legislatures to Step In?

The Gateway Pundit 

Some experts believe that Vice President Mike Pence has the duty tomorrow to throw out electoral college recommendations in the 2020 election that are based on fraud.  This will then force these states to have their legislatures choose the set of delegates they believe will best represent the state’s election results. Ivan Raiklin has studied…

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Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

This didn’t make any headlines in the fake news media. Georgia Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted last night on a senate report on election abuses, fraud, and abnormalities. The Georgia committee recommended there is enough evidence to decertify the vote for Joe Biden. Steve Bannon opened The War Room on Tuesday discussing this…

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“Pakistan is a Place I Worry About” – Lindsey Graham Defends Sending Millions of Dollars to Pakistan While Americans Suffer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

They hate us. Senator Lindsey Graham on Tuesday morning defended sending millions of dollars to Pakistan for “gender programs” as Americans suffer. Congress Monday night passed a $2.3 trillion Covid relief/Omnibus bill. Lawmakers didn’t even read the bill before casting their votes. The package included $1.4 trillion to fund the government and $900 billion in…

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